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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Just a brief note of my writing progress

Yesterday I did very little writing. About 120 words, perhaps a bit less. I was too busy at work to try to slip and write. Then at home I added perhaps another 100 - 150 words. Just some dialogues that popped into my mind.

Jordan Summers gave me some good ideas about how to make the hero and the heroine. I went over chapter 1, and there are a couple of openings where I can stick her idea.

So while I'm trying to work on my story and make some headway this weekend, I decided to share with you the tarot cards for this story. The ones used by my tarot card reader are loosely based on these. The first three images belong to the Medieval Enchantment tarot deck and the last one to Gilded Tarot.

Comments on "Just a brief note of my writing progress"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:50 PM) : 

a couple hundred words a day is good! Keep at it!


Blogger vanessa jaye said ... (12:07 PM) : 

Sounds like roughly two pages you got done, Silma. Nothing to sneeze at! Those cards are beautiful, btw.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:15 PM) : 

Sasha - Thanks. But I'll need more than a couple of hundred words a day if I want to meet the Sept 5. deadline. *sighs*


Blogger Silma said ... (9:17 PM) : 

Jaye - Since I type single space (which is the only way it makes sense to me), I don't know how many words to a page or anything. I always go for word count. So I view my progress in terms of how many words I write. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (9:22 PM) : 

Rainbow - I have the Celtic Dragon and the Shapeshiter tarot decks, both designed by Lisa Hunt (and DJ Conway). As for using the tarot deck to map out characters, plot, etc., I missed the workshops. Lynn sent me a few worksheets, but I've been too busy to sit and experiment with them. Hopefully, once I'm done with the writing contests, I might try them. I've heard many have had great success with them. I might use the Gilded Tarot for the writing purpose. I bought it during the NaNo Challenge, so I think there was a reason for it. *vbg*


Blogger Shelley Munro said ... (5:08 AM) : 

The words all add to the total, Silma. Keep going! I love your tarot cards. The Shining Knight in particular.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:33 AM) : 

Yay! Glad you're making progress!


Blogger Silma said ... (3:00 PM) : 

Shelley - The Gilded Tarot is totally beautiful. I fell in love with it at first sight. *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (3:01 PM) : 

Lynn - Thanks! I hope the muses cooperate in this final stretch.


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