What a nasty day
Gosh, I'm so tired that I wonder if I can write a coherent line whatsoever here. I think all my 100 billion brain cells are fried. Things at work are really, really, really hectic. Between yesterday and today I've registered 375 people. Do your math! Not that I didn't expect a number of people to come to register, but having that huge number in 2 days when in 2 weeks I barely registered 573 is a joke. My only break was during lunch, and if it were for them, I'd not have any. I swear, my hands feel numb from writing for almost 8 straight hours. I gotta put them on ice later. And do you what's like to repeat the same things over and over and over and over and over again? My voice is totally shot. It's barely above a whisper. I tried to do some writing, but I just sat before the monitor, my brain cells refusing to work, so I think I'll lay down and read Sherrilyn Kenyon's "Sins of the Night" instead. |
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