LSB contest a "no go"
I know I promised to keep you updated on my writing for the LSB Zodiac Contest. Sorry I didn't. You see, things at work were brutal last week. Between registering and everything else, I didn't have time to work on my LSB Zodiac entry for Capricorn, even though I carried my PC Pocket every day. Then I came home every afternoon totally drained. I tried to sit before the computer and finish the story, but I felt too tired to think. My mind refused to cooperate although I tried to bribe it with everything - from a sugar binge in the form of chocolates to vacations in the form of Brad Pitt/Viggo Mortensen movies. I think I wrote about 600 words. Don't ask me if they made sense though. I've not re-read those passages. *lol* Seeing as the week was a total mess and my brain activity had been low, I was hoping to pick up the pace and get some writing done during the weekend. I knew it was only two days, but I figured that if I put some serious hours, I could get the story finished by Monday, and then spend Monday night doing the editing. Again I was regretting not having the story critiqued, but there was nothing I could do about it. Yet again the universe conspired against me and this plan also went down the tube. Why? Let's just say this was a weekend I'd rather forget. So here I am today, sitting before the computer with only half of the story done. I wish I could say that I finished it, but I didn't. Once more the hectic day at work left my energy level low (almost empty). And it still a long way to finish the story. I'm still on the kidnapping scene, and I don't know if the heroine should have a car accident before she gets kidnapped. I'm still toying around with the possibility after the re-write of chapter 2, where she has a major pow-wow with her agent. The next contest, Ocean's Mist Press's Let's Make Waves is due in 4 days. I might be able to finish it by then. Or maybe not. I don't want to rush it like I did with the one for the Vamprotica contest. Since the story is set days before Yuletide and it's a highly (I hope) erotic story, I might submit it to Whiskey Creek Press - Torrid: Seasons. Although they might not like it because it's a fantasy story set in another planet. |
Comments on "LSB contest a "no go""
Sorry you've been so busy at work! Good luck with your next contest.
Sorry to hear you're so drained. {{{HUGS}}} My advice would be to write the story at a comfortable pace--don't try to rush it--and then find a contest to fit it.
I know that drained feeling. With Lynn . . . don't rush it. Let it come to you in it's own time. And sometimes taking a break helps revive us.
Thanks Shelley! Good to have you back! *g*
Thanks for the advice, Lynn. You're right, I can't work on my story with all this stress.
Teresa - I wish I could take a break from work, but it's not feasible. I don't have vacations until December. This is the first time I've gone a whole year without one. I guess that's helping with the burn out.
Karin - Yeah, I wish I'd win the Loto so I could quit my job and devote my time to writing instead. *sighs*