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Thursday, May 25, 2006

What have you learned about your writing process?

Erotic romance Jordan Summers blogged about this today and asked this very question. So I thought I'd do a little soul searching here about my writing (something I've been question a lot lately), and here's what I came up with.

1. I've learned that I'm a pantser and write in the story in non-sequence and figure out what to put where when editing.

2. I've learned that I'm better writing action than romance. It's hard for me to get into the deep POV.

3. I've learned I'm a (pathetically) slow writer. It takes me weeks, and sometimes months, to write a simple 20K story.

4. I've learned that I strive on competition to keep writing. I need to be around those who can write better than me. So I know there's always someone out there who can kick my ass.

5. I've learned that it's okay to go through periods when I don't write.

6. I've learned that I can't force myself to write when I'm in one of those "off seasons." It just makes matters worst.

How about you? What have you learned?

Comments on "What have you learned about your writing process?"


Blogger Shelley Munro said ... (5:36 AM) : 

I've learned if I try to plot too much it's the kiss of death. I've learned I don't like knowing exactly what's going to happen in my story - I like surprises as much as the reader. I've learned if the writing isn't flowing well it's probably because I'm trying to force my characters to do something they don't want to do. I've learned I need constant challenges in my writing i.e. changing genres etc. And finally I've learned I have to sit at my computer and actually write. LOL


Blogger Silma said ... (7:47 AM) : 

Shelley - Amen to all of those! *g*


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (1:32 PM) : 

I've learned I have to force myself to write, even when I don't want to. I also have to plot. :(


Blogger Crystal* said ... (5:36 PM) : 

I've learned that if it was easy, everyone would do it. And I've learned that when it comes to me of its own volition...THAT is the time to write it.


Blogger Bebe said ... (6:48 PM) : 

I'm a plotter, too! And I work much better under the pressure of a deadline.


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