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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Are you an author follower?

Recently author Viviene King blogged about writers shifting gear and moving on to other genres and asked how we readers felt about it. That got me thinking about my reading habit and how it has changed over the past decade.

In the beginnig I was what I call an author-follower. I had a series of favorite writers, and I'd devour their books no matter what genre. Of course, they all wrote romance. *lol* However, I'd read Johanna Lindsey's futuristic romances as well as her historicals with equal devotion. I didn't care if they shifted genres as long as it was this or that author.

Today I find myself looking at my TBR pile, and the only thing that all the books have in common is the genre. I like reading paranormal romances. And even then I'm very selective. I pick a book and read the first 3 chapters. If it fails to catch my attention, then I put it back in the shelf and pick another.

How about you? Are you an author-follower or a genre-follower?

Comments on "Are you an author follower?"


Blogger Crystal* said ... (12:15 PM) : 

Good question.
I love romance. LOVE IT. And so that is what I mostly read. Subgenre...almost any. I did try Catherine Coulter's suspense series and liked it. So I guess I'll read either.
Stephen King...he could rewrite the phonebook, and I would read it.
I mainly stick to authors, though. It's that voice that gets me.


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (1:54 PM) : 

I used to be an author follower. I'm less so today...with a few exceptions. Now it depends on the genre, although I have started to venture out of romance. I'm reading far more action/adventure and sci-fi novels these days. (And loving them.) I still enjoy a few contemporary romance authors, but I tend to purchase paranormal books when I breeze through the romance section.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:06 PM) : 

If I like an author, I'll read about anything they've written, unless it's in a (sub)genre I truly can't stand.


Blogger Katrina Glover said ... (5:00 PM) : 

I'm both. If I like an artist, I will *check out* her backlist. That doesn't mean that I'll autobuy everything there because some things I just can't get into. But voice really carries a lot of weight for me. In fact, there have been times when I loved one thing an author did, looked at the backlist, and couldn't find a thing. Very rare tho.


Blogger Dana Pollard said ... (5:45 PM) : 

I'd have to say I'm a bit of both. Susie Q can write some awesome erotic contemporary, but I wouldn't read her writing as Susie X writing a genre I don't like.


Blogger Silma said ... (7:50 AM) : 

Jordan - I hear ya on the paranormal romance! I'm getting more into mystery/suspense when it comes to non-romance books.


Blogger Silma said ... (7:51 AM) : 

Dana - Yeah, I guess that's true. When an author writes in more than one subgenre of romance, I tend to just read one instead of the other.


Blogger Silma said ... (7:52 AM) : 

Kat - I sometimes do that, check out the author's backlist. But I've found that their earlier works don't have the same voice as the newest ones. And vice versa. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (7:54 AM) : 

Nonny - Yeah, if I've liked an author sometimes I keep buying their books if it's in a series only.


Blogger Silma said ... (7:58 AM) : 

Chryscat - I think it depends on romance. I've seen many authors change their voice when they go from only paperback to hardcover.


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