13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

Samba story
7,926 / 8,000 (99.1%)

S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Jordan Summer's BiaW: Day 4

Last night I decided to follow the suggestions and keep the story on the heroine's POV. No big loss. I've only written two scenes only from the heroes' POV, so I put them on a separate file just in case I need them during the editing.

Anyway, today's word count was 1,500 words. And basically all I did was flesh out 3 out of 4 sex scenes, and the separate intros between the heroine and the two heroines. OMG, I'm 4,500 words into the story, and I still have to flesh out the first 2 chapters. Let alone write the intro of one the two sex chapters. Gosh, I've not even written the ending! I just realized that I've got only 500 words to go before hitting the 5K mark and there's so much left to be written. *hits panic button* Please, someone tell me I've not been so stupid to dig myself into one of those long stories. Why can't I keep the stories short? *bangs her head against the desk*

Comments on "Jordan Summer's BiaW: Day 4"


Blogger Crystal* said ... (12:19 PM) : 

Ack, woman! Remove the keyboard from your forehead. First things first, you know.

It's called a CHALLENGE. And it's rather hard when you have to fit a certain word count and such. But you can do it. Just reread and go back through to see where you can tweak here or there.
And if nothing else, it's always a learning experience. And you can never have enough of those.
Be careful with that forehead, I think we only get one.


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (11:01 PM) : 

You can do it, Silma! I have faith. :D


Blogger Katrina Glover said ... (12:22 PM) : 

*seconds Jordan*

You go girl!


Blogger Loribelle Hunt said ... (3:28 AM) : 

You can do it Silma! :)


Blogger Silma said ... (12:28 PM) : 

Chryscat - I just did that. The go back and tweak part. Either I do a major overhaul in the story, or I just keep going with what I have. Due to the lack of time, I decided to go with the story as it is.


Blogger Silma said ... (12:29 PM) : 

Thanks Jordan, Kat, and Lori! I just hope I can have the story finished before this Friday... *doom music*


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