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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Jordan Summer's BiaW: Day 2

For what started as a bad writing day, it turned out pretty good. This afternoon I opened the file to continue writing my story. They were a few snags in the plot, but instead of trying to smooth them out and getting stuck in the process, I'd planned to keep writing and fill out any plot holes during editing. Well, as I began to write, the doubt monster showed its head. It started giving me a whole different direction for the story. That's not bad, you say. Okay, I agree. But the problem was that in order to make the new things worked, I needed to re-write everything and get a new set of hero/heroine. No good. So I started writing the new story. 300 words into the story I knew it was going to be a hot one. But I began to wonder if I had the time and energy to invest in it. And if I did, where that left the other story. Time for an executive decision: I decided to stick to the original story. And yada... yada... yada... I added 1,300 words to it. *g*

Now to recap. I've got 2K done from the story. That leaves me with 3K to write in the next 4 days. I wish I could write as fast as Jordan. Then I'd have this story done in one night and tackled the other story. *lol* But words don't come up easy to me, so with my pace, I think I can manage the 3K in 4 days. Can I do it? Yes, I can!

Comments on "Jordan Summer's BiaW: Day 2"


Blogger Shelli Stevens said ... (12:44 AM) : 

Wow, I'm so impressed you're doing BIAW!! I totally skipped out on that one.

Wiping the sweat from my brow. Whew, this 78 degree heat is killing me!


Blogger Shelley Munro said ... (5:16 AM) : 

Keep it up, Silma! Some days are better than others. I've been struggling lately. Today was actually a good one for me :-)
Sending you good vibes to kick butt on BIAW!


Blogger Faith Bicknell said ... (11:07 AM) : 

I'm a member of WRW. I'd try the BIAW if it weren't for my four kids. I'm lucky to find time to do what I do now, lol.


Blogger Silma said ... (8:22 PM) : 

Shelley - Thanks for the good vibes! Yeah, lately I've been on a roll. It's scary 'coz I know a dry spell will follow. But for now, I'm making the most of it. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (8:25 PM) : 

Shelli - I normally don't do BIAW 'coz trying to write anything over 5 - 6K creates too much stress. I did it this time exactly for the purpose of writing a 5K story. I figure I could deal with a word count of 1K per day. *lol*

Heat of 78 degrees? *snorts* That's the freezing point. I'd be freezing my butt off! *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (8:27 PM) : 

Faith - I've tried doing BIAW before, but with a full-time job with a crazy schedule, it has always been impossible and therefore a very frustrating experience. How some writers can write a full novel in a week is still amazing. I can't. Some people can whip 5K words per day. Others don't. I fall in the latter. I'm lucky if I can get 250 words per day. Luckily, I've been able to push 1K while at work (things are slow now). *lol* And of course, this story is going to be very short.


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