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Friday, May 12, 2006

Shopping for mother's

Yesterday, after I came from lunch, I managed to add around 400 words among the runes story and the Magick ones. Not much, but at least I don't feel too guilty for spending another day without writing. However, I'd promised Noelle to finish critiquing her first story for Freya's Bower and emailed it last night, but I ended up laying in bed browsing some catalogs and picking up some pretty funky stuff (in the 50's and 60's style) for my new house. I know, I'm a bad CP.

Today I'm taking it off from writing to go shopping for Mother's Day. Since I worked Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 am till 8:00 pm, I'm taking this afternoon free. So here's the plan: Hit as many stores as I can between 12:30 pm and 4:00 pm. Honestly, I don't have the faintest idea what to buy my mother. I asked her if she wanted something in specific, but she said no. Great. Just great. I figured perfume would do. But she has so many. Although she likes them. Nothing for the house though. She's got too much stuff. Besides she recently ordered some new things. Ugh! Hmm... Maybe a new cordless phone. The one she's using has barely 200mhz so she can't walk around the house talking in it.

How's your shopping for Mother's Day coming along? Are you done or not? What are you giving your mom?

Comments on "Shopping for mother's"


Blogger Dayna_Hart said ... (12:36 PM) : 

Hey Silma!
In keeping with reading other blogs...here I am! This could get addictive.

For my mom, I haven't bought anything. She's another one of those 'has everything she needs and can buy whatever she wants' people. My sons have each made her a card, though, which she will love.
good luck shopping for your mom!


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:26 PM) : 

I haven't bought anything yet for the moms for Mother's Day. I'm bad. I know. I'm going tonight.


Blogger Crystal* said ... (6:38 PM) : 

I would do better giving my Mother a gift card. Rarely, but rarely, do I give her something she truly wants.


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (11:25 PM) : 

My mom asked me to combine her Mother's day gift with her birthday next month. Gulp.


Blogger Jodie said ... (12:40 AM) : 

I made mine. hehe - not a macaroni card. A nice bracelet.


Blogger Silma said ... (10:20 PM) : 

Dayna - You betcha! It's addictive both ways. *g* Have a happy Mother's Day.


Blogger Silma said ... (10:21 PM) : 

Tess - OMG! You're brave! The malls must full of people. Hope you found something for you mom. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (10:22 PM) : 

Chryscat - I hear ya! Same with my mom. Except for perfums. *lol* You can't go wrong there.


Blogger Silma said ... (10:22 PM) : 

Jordan - Oh-oh... So it's gonna be a big gift, then. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (10:23 PM) : 

Jodici - Oh! That's so cool! I wish I had the talent to do something crafty. I'm too stupid for it. *lol*


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