Fast Draft workshop: Day 14
Number of pages written today: 0 Total number of pages written this week: 0 Total number of pages for the whole Fast Draft workshop: 9.5 Yep, last day of the Candace Haven's Fast Draft workshop, and I'm not going to apologize for not writing a single word today (or letting my team - TeamGonzo - down). I got home too tired, my head throbbing with a headache, and even after two Tylenols, it felt heavy like I had a hangover. Ugh! So I put on my headphones and listened to MS Reader read me an ebook instead. Now looking back at the whole workshop experience, I know I did a lousy job for not keeping my daily goals of 2 pages per day (many writers would say it was a petty goal). The way I see it is this whole writing thing of cramming 20 pages (5K words) per day didn't work for me. Mind you, I'm not saying that the workshop was bad. The idea of turning off your internal editor and writing is great - one I keep hearing often. But the goal of writing 20 pages per day definitively didn't do it for me - not even a lower count. Funny thing, a friend of mine was surprised at my low performance and pointed out this workshop was like the NaNo Challenge so I shouldn't have had problems with it. She was right - up to a certain point. However, with the NaNo Challenge, I deal with 1,667 words per day, a barely manageable goal for someone like me with a full-time job and a wacky schedule. (I'm still debating whether to participate in the NaNo Challenge this year or not. It's not easy to wack 1,667 words per day. Last year I spent weekends trying to cram as many words I could - over the limit I'd set for myself - in case I couldn't meet my daily goal during the week.) Besides, according to the workshop, you need a partner or support group. Although online support groups were created, they didn't work for me. For one, I had to log online, which tempted me to keep on surfing instead of writing. C'mon, you've got to keep me away from one of my addictions - internet! And second, I don't do well in large groups. I prefer small groups or one-on-one interactions. When I don't do know well enough half of the people in a group, I tend to shy away. |
Comments on "Fast Draft workshop: Day 14"
Don't feel too bad about it, Silma.
Different things work for different peoples. You just have to find what works for you and stick with it :)
I think Fast Draft is a great idea, but I'm like you. It's hard to push out 20 pages when you work full time. I chase my toddler around when I get home from work so by the time he finally goes to sleep, my brain is practically mush.
I've been trying to pick back up the 100 Words, 100 Days method I was using previously. So far I'm doing well.
Just keep at it -- whatever way that works best for you!!
Kat - I know. I have to find whatever works for me. It's going to be a long journey... *sighs*
Jana - I'd like to try that method (100 words). It's something I can deal with. Even 250 words is fine with me. If I'm inspired, I can do more than that. But lately, I'm in a writer's funk.
Don't be too hard on yourself, Silma. As Kat says you just need to click with a process that works for you. I know that I can't crank out 20 pages. Just the thought of it gives me a headache.
Just echoing what everyone else has already said. Don't beat yourself up and do what works for you. There is no one right way to do things :)
I stayed away from the workshop.
I don't perform under that pressure and I put more than enough pressure on myself.
Not to mention the internal editor is there, and I'm happy she's there. My writing is better because of her.
100 great words is better for me than 1000 words that are shit.
Just sayn'
Shelley - I knew from the beginning that there was no way I could do 20 pages daily. That's why I modified to 2 pages (500 words), but even that was hard for me. I know I've got a lot going on lately with the new house and all. But even 500 words when I'm not inspired is like pulling my teeth.
Bonnie - I know. I just thought I'd give it a try 'coz I do need a kick in the butt to get me back into writing. But I've found out I think in terms of pages when I'm writing. If I do, it throws me off.
Bri - Oh, I know what you mean about the internal editor. I kinda turned it off when I did the NaNo challenge, but I admit I edited parts. I just allowed myself to write in a non-linear way back then. So sometimes I wrote a chapter, and two days later I'd come up with the beginning of the it.