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1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

What's a writer to do?

Today was a bit of a slow day at work (thank goodness!) which allowed my mind to wander often, and I found myself writing bits and pieces of dialogues and descriptions to 4 previous WIPs on a notebook I always carry for such events. The more I wrote, the more ideas popped into my mind. And sometimes dialogues and ideas for two different stories would pop at the same time. So I'd have to try to write one, and hope that while doing that, I'd not forget a thing from the other one. At one point I couldn't seem to write fast enough. Quite scary. *lol*

Anyway, tonight I was trying to stick to the Candace Havens’ Fast Draft workshop, but the need to type what I had on the notebook was greater. So after wasting an hour before the screen without having typed a word, I opened the files of those other stories and typed everything I'd handwrittenand, plus added a few new things that popped into my mind. If I put together everything I wrote, I think I did like 5 pages (single spaced).

After doing that, and feeling satisfied with the progress of the other stories, I closed those files, re-opened the one I've been working for the Fast Draft workshop and tried to concentrate. However, those characters from my previous WIPs wouldn't let go. They fought for my attention, trying to make me continue writing their story. No matter how hard I tried to block their voices and focus on the new story, their voices became more intense. So now I'm a quadary. Should I ignore them and go on with my new story for the workshop? Or should I put on the backburner the story I'm working on for the workshop?

Have you ever been in a situation in which you consciously want to write something, yet characters from other WIPs or from a completely new story keep intruding? How do you choose between them?

Comments on "What's a writer to do?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:55 PM) : 

This happens to me ALL the time! I'm weak and I usually give in and play with the characters who are willing to talk to me. :)


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:55 AM) : 

It does happen to me too. Sometimes I'll give over and write down what I can. But lately, I've been forcing myself to stay focused. I've found the right music does this for me. I have to be listening to that books soundtrack and I'm sucked back in. If not then I'll shut down, walk away for a bit, and then come back.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:28 PM) : 

Isn't it the best when characters fight for your attention? I'd go with the one who's shouting the loudest.


Blogger Silma said ... (11:13 PM) : 

Tori - In my case, they're just too many characters (coming from 4 different WIPs). I'm going crazy jotting down bits and pieces for each one of them.


Blogger Silma said ... (11:15 PM) : 

Tess - I used music too when I want to get inspired for specific scenes. But this story I'm writing for the workshop doesn't "sound" like anything, if you know what I mean.


Blogger Silma said ... (11:16 PM) : 

Nancy - *lol* Not when they are all acting like "prima donnas" and trying to out shout each other.


Blogger Amie Stuart said ... (2:20 PM) : 

So I'm sitting there editing a synopsis yesterday afternoon and trying to entertain the 9 YO and I tell him to put X-men in and I end up writing like 3 pages of a new story. It's the writer's curse =)


Blogger Silma said ... (10:14 AM) : 

Tell me about it, Cece. *lol* I can't wait to move to my new house. Only then I'll know true peace and quiet.


Blogger Crystal* said ... (8:20 PM) : 

Oh my Lord, YES! All the freaking time. If the voices are REALLY annoying, I must say that I give in to them. My only deadlines for writing are usually my own. So I have the freedom to switch back and forth. If the deadlines were an issue, I would have to suck it up and focus more.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:07 PM) : 

Yes that happens now and then :) I tend to go with whatever has the strongest pull at the moment.


Blogger Amie Stuart said ... (6:17 PM) : 

Silma.....I thought the same thing =(
but you probably don't have kids who decided to weld themselves your ass the minute you moved *ggg*


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