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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Fast Draft workshop: Day 2 and Ebay auction

Well, it's the second day of the Candace Havens’ Fast Draft, and honestly I feel at lost at what to write. While at work, I kept thinking about possible things to write about and kept coming up blank. Of course being interrupted every 5 minutes by people asking stupid questions didn't help one bit. *smirks* So I came home, and after answering a few emails, logging into Romance Divas and Yahoogroups to check out the posts, I finally sat before the computer, hoping that the Muses were in the mood to grant me some inspiration. Yet after half and hour of staring at the blinking cursor and realizing that nothing new worth writing would pop in my mind, I opened the file where I kept what I wrote yesterday. Ugh! I re-read it a few times, trying to get the "feel" of the scene. Since it was just a dialogue, I decided to add description. I know we're not suppossed to edit, but I didn't edit anything in the dialogue - although I was mighty tempted. Then I went on to add a few more dialogue and all in all I did 2 pages - a slight improvement over yesterday's performace.

As for the auction of Jordan Summer's critique at Ebay, it had hit the $76 mark and I was ready to bid hard. But then I re-read the part of "30 manuscript pages and a 5 page synopsis." That stop me short. I realized all my stories are short (so they don't amount to 30 pages), and therefore I didn't have a synopsis of any of them. So what was the point of winning the bid then? Finally, I bowed out of the bidding.

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