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Monday, September 26, 2005

Fast Draft workshop: Day 7

While watching the channel for home improvement and decoration, HTVG, I came up with two great titles for possible stories. Some vagues ideas for their possible plots popped into my head, so I jotted them down in paragraph form. I'm still debating how to name the heroines. Every name I came up with sounded just wrong. Hmm... Perhaps I should check my "heroine's name" database.

Pages written for Fast Draft workshop: 0

Comments on "Fast Draft workshop: Day 7"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:39 AM) : 

I know what you mean }:) The right name for your characters makes a big difference. If I let myself, I could obsess about that for far too long LOL.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:55 AM) : 

Oh, I hear you there, Bonnie! There's no way I can start writing a story if I don't have the perfect name for the hero and the heroine.


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