Fast Draft workshop: Day 4
Okay, 4th. day of the Candace Haven's Fast Draft workshop, and things haven't improved much. I'm getting bombed with all these ideas for my previous WIPs, but when it comes to the one story I'm trying for the workshop, nothing... NADA. Tonight, hoping to avoid distractions (meaning, the internet), I hooked the foldable keyboard to the PC Pocket, and dragging my pillow to the floor, I laid down and opened the file. I fiddled with a couple of ideas for about an hour, but I gave up after writing barely few lines, which I'm sure barely add up a page. *sighs* I have no idea why this is happening. I did the NaNo Challenge just fine. Sure, I had a title, the hook, setting, and a basic idea of what the story was about - although they all came to me 2 days before the NaNo Challenge started. For this workshop I went full gung-ho with no idea what to write, but I'd hoped something I could write about would pop in my head as I went along. Now I'm falling behind, not meeting my pathetic daily quota of 2 pages (which with the help of a fellow romance writer I figured it comes to around 500 words). Partly I blame it on not having a good working title. Knowing what makes my Muses tick, that would have trigger their curiousity. Besides the whole Christmasy theme set in Puerto Rico, although seeming inspiring, makes me doubt about the story in itself. I can't point my finger on exactly what or why. |
Comments on "Fast Draft workshop: Day 4"
UGH. I hate those times when you sit there, staring at that blinking cursor until you're cross eyed.
Have you tried old school pen and paper? Sometimes that little change just opens the gateway of the Muse.
Yep, I did, Kat. Sadly, I spend more time doodling than writing.
Oooch, I know that one. I'm a doodler too.
Stop the doodling and get writing! That's an order! lol
I was going to do that, but I couldn't really figure out what it was besides just write, write, write. So I didn't. That gives me time for the revisions I want to get done anyway.
If only I can stop blog hopping long enough...
Good luck! Work with what's coming to you. Get that out of your brain and then maybe you can go back to the one you're "supposed" to work on.
LOL I'd listen to Kristen, Silma }:)
My muses have decided to go over the wall, Kristen! Agh!
Brenda, I thought there would be more tips on how to keep your level of motivation up and so forth through the 2 weeks of the workshop. I'm a bit disappointed there wasn't much after the first two days. It sounded like the NaNo Challenge, but in a 2-week period.