13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

Samba story
7,926 / 8,000 (99.1%)

S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

ASPCA Day is April 10

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A very productive day

Between interruptions I managed to write 654 words today. WOOOHOOO! Chapter 2 is still a bit hazy on the stripper's details, but it can't be helped. I need to make more research on striptease and lap dancing. *evil grin* So anywya, instead of getting stuck on chapter 2, I wrote whatever dialogue and situation popped in my mind. I got loads of them! I'll figure out how to join them later. BTW, one of the exciting things about this story is that I'm writing in first person. I've never written one like that, not because I didn't want to in as much as it never came to me like that. But I couldn't help myself this time. The story popped in my mind in first person, and I'm sticking with it.

On other news, you all know how I've been seeking for CP's in the past. I belong to a few critique groups, but I felt compelled to seek a more one-on-one critique situation. However, all my attempts at finding CP's felt flat - until this Monday. Last Sunday I posted about seeking a CP on Romance Divas forum. I'd done it before without results, so honestly, I didn't expect anyone to answer. So you can imagine my surprise when I logged in on yesterday and found private messages from two willing victims...er... I mean, divas - Phoenix Ford and Diva Gina. I hope to finish my lastest WIP this weekend so I can send it to them and start the bonding process, see if we can work out.

Comments on "A very productive day"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:53 PM) : 

Way to go on the writing!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:07 PM) : 

Great work , SIlma!!

And good news onthe cp's. I value mine so much! Not just for the crit's but for their support and friendship!


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (3:51 PM) : 

Good for you! Have fun with the research. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:51 PM) : 

WOO HOO on the new CPs! And I'm glad to hear you're getting writing done. Good luck with 1st person.

But for me, the burning question is exactly how do you intend to do your research for the stripper? *g*


Blogger Tess said ... (9:44 AM) : 

Yay Silma!! It's always great to have a productive day :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:01 AM) : 

Yay on the work! I know you must feel good about it. LOL on the stripper research. You'll have to let us know how that goes. Best of luck on finding cps that "click". I've been very blessed with two who are extremely supportive and don't know where I'd be without them.


Blogger Crystal* said ... (11:59 AM) : 

Congrats on the writing and the CP's! That's wonderful news!


Blogger Larissa Ione said ... (10:50 AM) : 

Yay on the CPs and the writing!

And the research sounds interesting! *g*


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:55 PM) : 

Congrats on the words and on finding a CP. I'm interested in the stripper/lap dance research, too. Do tell!


Blogger Silma said ... (10:34 AM) : 

Thank you all! Sorry I went MIA, but I've been busy writing. Anyway, right now, the CPs and I are getting a feel of each other.

As for the research, I decided some... er... first hand experience was in order. I had some guys showed me ...er... how it's done. *winks winks* (Lynn, does this answer your burning question? *g*)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:32 PM) : 

Oh great on the CPs, I hope it works out for you!


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