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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Guilty as charged!

Okay, I know I said I was going to do some writing while at work. But did I do instead? I started by logging into Yahoogroups to check the posts in the groups I'm in. Then I logged out and off I went to blog-hop. It's been a while since I've checked all the blogs I've got listed, you know. After I finished blog-hopping, I felt a twiched of guilt and opened the TBS file. I added a couple of words to chapter 2 when I realized I got mail. So on I went to check my inbox. *tsk, tsk, tsk* Shame on me.

Comments on "Guilty as charged!"


Blogger Shesawriter said ... (7:15 PM) : 

Do what I do. Don't log on at all until you have a certain number of pages typed or edited. But once you log onto the internet all bets are off.



Blogger Silma said ... (8:53 PM) : 

Tanya, the problem is that the computers at work are always hooked up on the internet. *lol* So it's kinda hard to resist temptation.


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:12 AM) : 

It's tough not to hop. I've been laying off and only doing a few a day. But I also fall way behind that way, too. I'm always running to catch up.


Blogger Tess said ... (9:50 AM) : 

LOL - I've done the same thing too many times to count. Procrastination (sung to the tune of Carly Simon's Anticipation) - *vbg*


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:52 AM) : 

Bloghopping and email is writing-related. Doesn't that count? :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:37 PM) : 

You're not procrastinating, you're networking!

(I had to turn off the feature in my e-mail program that makes noise every time new mail came in. I was like Pavlov's dog. The program dinged, and I came running.)


Blogger Shesawriter said ... (1:20 AM) : 


You're gonna have to get some will power. That's it. No more fooling around. Yeah, right. LOL!



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:32 PM) : 

I agree with Suzanne. (I can justify just about anything! *g*)


Blogger Silma said ... (3:31 PM) : 

Ah, Suzanne and Lynn - thanks for giving me such great excuses! *g* I feel much better.


Blogger Silma said ... (3:32 PM) : 

Tanya - *lol* I have will power. Except when it comes to the net.


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