Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Yesterday although I had the house all to myself (ah, glorious peace and quiet!), I didn't even bother to get my butt off the lazy chair and write. I rented a few DVDs and spent the afternoon eating mint chocolate ice cream. Let's face it, I was no closer to a solution than I was the day before. And I didn't want to have another round of arguments with my brain. Then at night, I was online, checking my email, when my ex-bf logged on ICQ and we started chatting. This is how part of the convo went. Him: "How's the writing coming along?" Me: "Not so good." Him: "Tell me." Me: "You see, I originally wrote this novella for the Phaze contest. It was suppossed to be an erotic romance but it turned into a sweet romantic comedy so I didn't send it. Then, I started writing all these erotic scenes, which I tried to insert into the story line to crank up the heat, and hopefully send it to the Siren Pub contest. The problem is that these new scenes changed the story." Him: "How?" Me: "Well, for one, the characters changed. Especially the heroine. And the conflict isn't the same. You know, the whole GMC. But that's not the problem." Him: "What's the problem then?" Me: "The story line. The scenes don't flow with the story as it is." Him: "Then re-write the story." Me: "I don't wanna. I like it the way it is." (I pouted like a kid.) Him: "I see. Then tell me what's really bothering you." (I'm telling you, the man is psychic. Oh wait! He's a Gemini; they're half psychics.) Me: "I feel that the erotic element I added in the story is taking over the true internal conflict." Him: "So?" (Gosh, men are so dense!) Me: "I don't know how to achieve a balance." Him: "Do this other contest require your story to be erotic?" Me: "No." Him: "Then send the story as you originally wrote to that contest." (At this point I grumbled to myself something about being so stupid for not keeping a copy of the original story.) Me: *blushing deeply, mortified to admit that I was a moron* "I don't have it anymore." Him: "Tell me more about the erotic scenes. Where does the first one start?" (I have to give the man credit for not laughing at me. So I went on to tell him first about the story, then on to the erotic scenes.) Him: "Get rid of that first sex scene of them at the beach." Me: "But it's a very hot one." Him: *laughed* "Yeah but doesn't make sense in the story." Me: "But...but...but... then they won't have sex until like chapter 8." Him: "Is it necessary for the characters to have sex much earlier?" Me: *sighed* "I guess not." Him: "Then keep the ones that happened after she saved him from the storm." Me: *whine* "But I still want to keep that beer bottle scene." Him: "Write another story with that scene in mind." After I logged out and turned off the computer, I spent the rest of the night thinking about he'd said. Decisions... decisions... decisions... Nothing comes to me easy. Drats! |
Comments on "Decisions, decisions, decisions..."
Isn't it great to have a dh who will brainstorm with you? Mine does that for me and has come up with some amazing suggestions :-) Hope you get rolling again soon!
And you broke up with him why....?
What a great sounding board!
I agree with Kat. Sounds like a good listener. And you know how rare that trait is among those afflicted with Y-chromosome disease. :D
Laura - True Gemini men are all good listeners. *vbg* Especially when it's something in which they must engage their minds in it. They love to analyze things.
Kat - His goals and mine didn't mix. He was ready to get married and start a family. I couldn't give him both at that time in my life. I'd have been miserable, and he'd have been too in the long run. So we broke up. But we're still friends. *g* He's happy with his new fiancee, and I'm happy with my life.
Tess - It wasn't my DH - heck I don't have one. *g* It was my ex-bf. But yes, it's good to bounce ideas with someone who can understand you. Sometimes we tend to underestimate the creativity of those born with the Y-chromosome. *lol*
I know your pain. I am such an idiot about not saving my original work. I rewrote a paper and spent the next week thinking about what it would've been if i woudln't have changed it.
I love your blog!
You said this guy was your ex? Heck get him back! LOL! He sounds like a keeper. I can't tell you how many of my writer friends have pigs for boyfriends and husbands who don't support them.
I'm lucky. My DH supports my writing 24/7. In fact, he pushes me when I need it. So I'm thankful for that.
Look, if your Ex and you don't see eye to eye on things NOW, keep him around. You will be surprised how perspectives change as you get older. You two may one day fall "in the zone" together. Just give it time.
Jen - The thing is that I always upload copies of my stuff to MyBriefcase in Yahoo. I don't know why I didn't do it this time. Sheeesh! *slaps her head*
Tanya - We broke up 7 years ago. We're still good friends. Oh, I know he's a keeper, girl. Gemini men are true keepers. *lol* But it's all cool. He is happy with his fiancee, and I'm happily single. *g*
So nice to have someone help you brainstorm! Good luck fixing the problems. :)
Just an idea...but uhmmm maybe you should just write the story, and not worry about what contest /line it fits until it's done? Balance for heat and confilict will come, in time, dont; feel like tit all has to be there right away.
That's my writing advice, as for the man adivce, I got none. I'm single too. *g*
Michelle - Yeah, it's good to have someone to bounce ideas with. Too bad he isn't around much for that.
Sasha - The story is written already, as having "The End" as the last line. *lol* You could say I'm in the edit/re-write phase now.
*lol* Oh, I'm not looking for a man. I'm happily single.
It's cool that you could brainstorm about this with him. Hopefully you'll figure out a solution soon :)
Hmmm - how are Virgos supposed to be in the listening department - that's what I have.
Sometimes I take a day off (sometimes several) and just eat ice cream and watch a movie I want to. I think I'm always more creative when I come back.
I like Sasha's idea of just writing the story. I need to take that advice myself!
Jill M. - I don't know about Virgo's listening skills, but they're perfectionists and are good at picking out details. *lol* If you run an idea through them, they can dissect into parts.
I hate having to make decisions, too. Especially writing-related ones. But how cool to have someone like that to brainstorm with. :)
Bonnie - I've not been able to sleep. It's like seeing too many sides of a coin and being unable to decide which side you want. Ugh! Being part Virgo sucks!
Tori - I need to get me another Gemini man to bounce ideas with. *g*
Sounds like he's a great sounding board and brainstorm partner, ex or not. I admit I like Sasha's idea...write the stories they way they come, then find a contest to fit them. Not the other way around. Just like "they" always say "Don't write for the market."
As for your DVDs and ice cream, heck, everybody needs a day off here and there. And besides. It wasn't really a day off. It was research!
Try writing a sensual piece about that ice cream. How it tasted. How it felt sliding down your throat. How it made you feel. See? Now your day off became a day of research. *g*
Maybe you just need a little more time away from the story to get 'unattached' to it. Sometimes, after giving myself a week or so away, I can come back and hack through scenes I love a little more easily.
I'd keep eating the ice cream though - especially because mint choc. chip's my favorite.*g*
Oh, The End is done huh? Theni agree withthe rest. SHelf it for a week or so. Take a bit of time to recharge, and maybe even start A NEW story. Then go back anc edit. I often find if I want to change a story when the first draft is done, it's becasue I have a new story kicking at the door inthe back of my mind, and it's leaking out, and trying to make me write it...therefor editing on becomes writing another.
Make any sense at all?
Silma, I'm discovering so many new blogs by seeing who posts comments to mine and my friends' blogs. Yours is fun, and I liked your website too.
I've got to figure out how to add my picture to my comments on others' blogs and links to other blogs. Off to research...
Sigh. Don't you hate it when men are so logical?
Trish - I'm doing the same thing, exploring new blogs. *g*
Lynn, Steph T. and Sasha - Yeah, I think I'll just finishing writing the newer scenes and stick them wherever. Then I'll start a new story for the Vamprotica (Chippewa Publishing). Maybe by mid-July I'll go back to TBS and see if I can figure it out and send it to Siren Pub contest.
Jill Shavis - In this case, I welcomed his logic. I didn't have to like it, but he was always capable of kicking my butt. He was all logical, I was all perfectionism. We made a great team. *vbg*
Silma, Don't beat youself up. At least you have conflict. Conflict is something most writers have a hard time with. And when you changed the story, you had a different conflict. That's good!
Nancy - It's not me I'm planning to beat but my brain. He and I are always disagreeing. Oh heck, in Spanish, the brain is considered "male gender" (el celebro) so it kinda figure we don't get along.
Don't you hate it when you're faced with logic?
I agree with the idea of write the story as it comes. I'm doing the whole write what I want vs write to the market stuff too right now, and even though I want to write to the market, I know those are the ones where I end up ruining a perfectly good book. Crap. I just answered my own dilemma.
Hope you figure out a solution soon! :)