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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Betrayal and the romance writer

"I feel so betrayed!"

This was the first message that popped on my screen when I logged into my Yahoo messenger a couple of hours ago. I rarely use the program, but tonight I felt compelled to do it. Anyway, I was like "Excuse me? What is she talking about?" Not even a hello? How rude! But I ignored it and decided to reply. So this is how the convo went more or less.

Me: "What happened?"

She: "I thought they were my friends but they are a bunch backstabbing bitches. You can't trust anyone anymore."

Okay. Backstabbing. I can related to that. I've been backstabbed enough in my lifetime that my back must be full of knives with no more space for another by now. But I still couldn't understand where she was coming from with this.

Me: "Why are you saying that?"

She: "Remember, I was planning to work with in a writing project with these other writers?"

Me: "Yeah." I vaguely remember something about she and some other writer collaborating on a story and they were setting up some website for it. Or something like that.

She: "They started hanging out with these other two writers who totally hate me. Today I got an email from both of them saying they're committed to this other project with those idiots so they were dropping out of our project. I suspected something was wrong when they didn't answer my last two emails."

Doesn't this remind you of high school and clicks?

Me: "Did they tell you why they drop your project? I mean other than they're committed to another project."

She: "No. But that's bullshit. It's all that dark-haired whore's (I'm sustituting name here) fault. First, she insinuated herself into our group, sucking up to the others, telling them how wonderful they were and how much she loved their books. Then when she got published, the bitch showed her claws. Sucking up to the publishers and pretending to be everyone's good friend. I'm telling you, you can't trust people in this business. They call themselves your friends when all they want to do is use you."

Does that mean I can't consider her my friend either then because she might be using me?!

Well, I listened to her ranting for an hour or so, nodding and yeahing in all the right places, then I told her I had to do some writing and logged off. But my file remained opened while I just stared at it, this woman's words running around my head.

Oh, I'm not saying that everything is all peachy in the romance writing world. They are those who would snub you for whatever reason they deem necessary, which brings the idea of "clicks" in my mind. Oh yes, there are "clicks" among romance writers. Then there are the "suck-ups." They suckup to you if you're a published writer, and once they become published, they suckup to the publishers. (You know, the ones who just "ooh" and "aaah" at the most stupid things the publishers do just to gain the favors.) They also turn into the publisher spies, you know. Next are the "climbers", who don't care whose career they fuck up or who they step on their way to achieve their goals. Finally, there are the "published sharks" who hang around groups just waiting to steal ideas and plot premises (one of the reasons why I don't post anymore on workshops' assignments) because their well of ideas has run dry a long time ago and their writing careers are sagging. And don't get me started on the "snarkers."

So basically I don't know really what happened between this writer and the other two, but I'm not counting off what this woman said to me. Betrayal? Yes, it does exist. I've not faced that demon yet, and I hope I don't have to, but I'm sure it must lurking around, somewhere, waiting to jump on me.

However, romance writing is like any other job. You'll find "snubbers," "suckups," "climbers," "snarkers," and "sharks" in every single job - from waitresses in a small cafe to college professors in a prestigious university. Unless you're your own boss and own a 2 to 3-person business (and those who work for you are your relatives). This isn't a perfect world, people. Get over it!

But you can't put all romance writers into "snubbers," "suckups," "climbers," and "sharks" categories. There are some damn fine people out there. Honest people who want to pursue a career in romance writing. And if you're lucky enough, you'll find them along your path. Give them a chance to walk travel this hard road that is the romance writing. You'll blossom and so will your career.

Comments on "Betrayal and the romance writer"


Blogger Silma said ... (9:16 PM) : 

Amanda - You're right. It sucks. Big time. And I wish I could say that things are different in the romance industry. But you know, life isn't perfect, and shit like that happens in every single job. *shrugs* You learn to live with that and move on. Your best revenge is to live happy!


Blogger Larissa Ione said ... (6:12 PM) : 

You know, I can't believe how much weirdness I've seen in the years I've been writing. I'm sure a lot of it comes out of misunderstandings due to the whole internet nuances thing, but sometimes...yikes! It can be brutal out here!


Blogger Emmy Ellis said ... (6:13 PM) : 

I've not encountered anything like this.

Glad I don't write romance!



Blogger Silma said ... (5:04 PM) : 

Larissa - Oh, I agree that since we can see our faces, those facial expressions are missing, and it can contribute to a lot of misunderstandings. That's why I try to put as many emoticons as I can, especially when I'm talking about something can be taken in more than one way.

But yeah, the catfights among some of the writers are like mind-blogging. Maybe I was too naive to believe that couldn't happen. You know, romance and all..


Blogger Silma said ... (5:06 PM) : 

M.E. - I've seen mostly "clicks" forming. *lol* But I was once on this group full of paranormal writers and gosh, it was unbelievable all the scatty remarks thrown left and right.


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (7:18 PM) : 

I think this is fairly common around beginning writers due to everyone's insecurity. You get it around the writers who've been in the business a long time, but it's less prevalent. (Probably because they're less likely to deal with that kind of crap.)


Blogger Crystal* said ... (10:43 PM) : 

I'm quite the paranoid heifer. I've seen too many flames on loops that turn my stomach.
I may be an optimist, but I'm not stupid.

I don't discuss my books openly on loops or my blog. Not even the titles. One little surf by the wrong shark, and I will be one pissed-off individual.
It's a shame it has to be like that.
But I agree with you, Silma. There is a lot of GOOD in the romance writing community also. We need to find that and treasure it.


Blogger Shelli Stevens said ... (1:09 PM) : 

It's a sad part of the industry. But I think that comes with no matter where you go in life. Whatever kind of job. It's... human.


Blogger Bebe said ... (11:46 PM) : 

I'm with Kim. Hopefully, it's a big misunderstanding. Sometimes I think it's better to get everything out in the open.


Blogger Shelley Munro said ... (6:57 AM) : 

I think you're right in saying it doesn't matter what you do in this world, there are some people who will knock you while others will encourage. Frankly, I try to stay out of stuff like this. All I want to do is write because that's my passion.


Blogger Jana Armstrong said ... (4:35 PM) : 

Cliques are everywhere. At this point in my life though, I'd expect some women who I assume are my age to act a bit more mature, and not act like high school students.

Then again, I always feel out of the loop at my kid's daycare.....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:24 PM) : 


You got the exact words out of my mouth about so call "cliques". I see this each and everytime I go to the RWA national conference (not bad mouthing the conference itself)-- and please, all of you, don't tell me you don't see this, the one's that sits by the bar, and living it up with martini's, the one's in the front row of so workshop, and the one's that reserve lunch tables for their so call published friends, editors and agents.

The one thing, I just feel like screaming right there and then when I get this reaction from certain individuals.

"Hi, so what do you write?"
"I write paranormal, ghost falls in love with such person etc, etc.."
"Hmm, sounds interesting"
"Are you published?"
"No but hopefully in the future."
but by the time you finished your sentence, they are off running to the next person to see if they are published and how about helping them.

And, NO, I'm not jealous. Jealousy is not in my vocabulary. My issue is, be humble about what you do and how you present it to others.

My abuela told me once, you give to one, that person will learn to give to others.


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