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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

To quit...or not to quit

Some time ago through Angelle Trieste's blog, I checked Jack Konrath's blog out, where he listed 20 reasons to quit writing. He went as far to say, "If you see yourself on here, it may be time to try your hand at something else." So I skimmed through the list, and these are the ones that described me:

1. You've been doing this for more than five years, and haven't sold anything. (Okay, I've been doing it for only 2 1/2 years. So I've got 2 1/2 years more to go.)

3. Writing causes you pain. (Well, this last re-write was excruciatingly painful. I'd rather have a tooth pull out with anethestic.)

5. You're great at starting stories, but never finish them. (This so describes me!!!)

6. You want to be a writer, but spend all your time going to classes and researching, but never get any writing done. (Oh, oh! This is so me!)

The way I see is if I keep this up for the next 2 1/2 years, I'm elegible to quit writing. *lol*

Comments on "To quit...or not to quit"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:36 PM) : 

Hehehehe, Silma }:)


Blogger Silma said ... (8:55 AM) : 

Vivienne - Yeah, I guess the fact that I finished the vamp story disqualifies me for eligibility to the writing retirement plan. *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (8:56 AM) : 

Bonnie - How many of those 20 apply to you?


Blogger Jill Monroe said ... (5:07 PM) : 

Wow - other than the not finishing anything - this kind of described me too until a while ago.


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