13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

Samba story
7,926 / 8,000 (99.1%)

S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

ASPCA Day is April 10

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Happy April's Fool!

It's a new month and what a way to start. The new moon is out. And to see how this month will go, I dropped by the Astrology for Writers, Editors and Filmmakers website to see what this month has in store for me.
Cancer: Venus will move into Pisces, giving you new offers of all types. If someone wants to team up, make sure their credentials are deeper than just passion for the work. You need experienced people around you, and uncredentialed coat-tailers are a drag ...no pun intended.
Wow! So I'll have offers, eh? So last month wasn't good for contracts, but this one is. I guess it was a good thing I held out and didn't send my vampire story to Cobblestone Press last month then. *chuckles* As for the latter, I don't know if someone will offer to team up with me. I've already teamed up with Vivienne and Cassandra for the DDD anthology, and both have excellent credentials as writers. In any case it's me the one lacking writing creditials. *lol*

Due to the festivity of the day, I have a treat for you, but it's just for today. I've been working hard on something, and I'll allow you a peek. This will last for a few hours only. If you don't click fast, you'll get a trick. Follow the Fool and see where it takes you...

Comments on "Happy April's Fool!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:28 PM) : 

Ooo, great 'scope! Makes me wonder who's gonna offer to team up with me? *g*


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (9:15 PM) : 

My 'horror' scope is much better this month than last. Thank goodness. Whew. We'll see if it pans out. ;-) Fingers crossed your contracts come through.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:56 PM) : 

Vivienne - Hehehe! Maybe you can model your next hero after Einstein. ;)


Blogger Silma said ... (10:01 PM) : 

Tori - Ooooh... You're a Cancer too? *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (10:03 PM) : 

Jordan - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things pan out for you too. *g*


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:52 PM) : 

Love the webpage. But what's with all the naked guys? Why did you cut out the best part? hahaha!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:17 AM) : 

Hehehehe on following the fool }:)

That sounds like a great horoscope though!


Blogger Loribelle Hunt said ... (10:13 AM) : 

Lol, I missed it. Darn. ;) Glad the 'scope is better this month.


Blogger Silma said ... (10:48 AM) : 

Kaisha - Lucky you! You're the only one who had seen the website for my pen name. *lol* I didn't cut the best part, it's just hidden under the other photo, but if you look very closely, you can see it. ;)


Blogger Silma said ... (10:49 AM) : 

Bonnie - I keep changing the link in the Fool. You never know where it'll take you. Thanks! It was a rather clever idea.


Blogger Silma said ... (10:51 AM) : 

Lori - Tsk, tsk, tsk... *evil grin* Better luck next time. ;)


Blogger Faith Bicknell said ... (2:01 PM) : 

I had no idea such a website existed. I'll have to check that out. Thanks so much for posting the link.


Blogger Silma said ... (2:32 PM) : 

Faith - Well, be careful when you follow the Fool or you might get the punk'd! *lol*


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