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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hey! What happened?

I love Vanilla Coke. Better than the original formula. I'm addicted to it. And it's the only thing that I can bribe my Muses with. They'd do anything for Vanilla Coke. So for the past two weeks I've been looking for it at K-Mart, which is the only place that sells it, but the shelves were full of all kind of Coca-Cola except Vanilla Coke. So yesterday, while I was at K-Mart, I saw the guy who distributes the Coca-Cola, and asked him when he was bringing Vanilla Coke. Guess what? He told me that Coca-Cola stopped producing it. I couldn't believe this. No more vanilla coke? This is so unfair! I'm so not happy with the news. And my Muses aren't happy either.

Comments on "Hey! What happened?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:12 PM) : 

Write them and complain! You never know. They might be debating the topic and your letter/email could be the one to stack the deck. :)


Blogger Silma said ... (5:02 PM) : 

Tori - Good idea! I'm gonna give a piece of my mind, that's for sure.


Blogger Silma said ... (5:14 PM) : 

Vivienne - I went by Coca-Cola's website. There's no official word that they've eliminated Vanilla Coke. But (you knew that was coming, right?) they're announcing two new flavors, Coca-Cola Blak (coke with a taste of coffee) and Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. So I take it they substituted Vanilla Coke for Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. I hate black cherry.


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (5:46 PM) : 

So sorry. That sucks.


Blogger Shesawriter said ... (8:59 PM) : 

I don't like Vanilla Coke. :-(



Blogger Shelli Stevens said ... (4:23 AM) : 

I loved diet vanilla coke. I was a wee bit pissy over it too. :) But hell, what can you do?


Blogger Silma said ... (7:37 AM) : 

Jordan - Yeah, it sucks alright. Especially since me and my Muses prefer vanilla over chocolate. Last night I tried to trick them by adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream to a regular Coke. They didn't buy it!


Blogger Silma said ... (7:38 AM) : 

Tanya - I didn't like Vanilla Pepsi. It tasted too sweet. I prefered Vanilla Coke.


Blogger Silma said ... (7:41 AM) : 

Shelli - Write a letter, like Tori said. Maybe if enough people protest, they might bring it back. Like it happened when they replaced the original Coke with a new Coke, and people asked them to bring the original recipe back.

We gotta do this, girl! We can't let them take away Vanilla Coke and replace it with Black Cherry Vanilla Coke!


Blogger Angela's Designs said ... (8:01 PM) : 

That is terrible! I love Vanilla Coke too... Something tells me that if we dump a little vanilla into normal Coke it won't quite be the same.


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