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Comments on "Let's talk about men, girls"
Sometimes you have no idea what the cover should look like. I try to stick with men in general on the covers...because that's what I like to look at. *g* I also try to send in a photo of an actor if my hero resembles someone. That's about all you can do. You'd probably NEVER guess whose photo I sent in for my AQ4 cover.
So... umm... you ever hear back from Cobblestone on that vamp book? ;)
Do you realize what kind of detective work Loribelle and I did tonight? Hee hee!!
Gotta love a half naked man on a book cover.
Hey, I pm'ed you. Enquiring minds want to know lol. ;)
I totally agree - the cover HAS to be good for me to pick it up. Sad I know - I might miss a great story but I just have to have a nice chest (man of course) on my cover to drool on. Yum
I want Sword of Darkness! I think I need to do some shopping this weekend. And honestly the cover of the book is first impression of the book. You see it and the title before you ever read the blurb.
Well, this is timely.
I usually have SOME semblance of an idea of what I want. And I LOATHE fake people covers. I cannot stand them. It's always a stipulation on my artist info sheet. Negatory on them.
But I had an idea for my first Torrid cover, and my cover artist had a better idea. She won. LOL
It's posted on my blog.
Well, I admit I will read a book with a crappy cover if the blurb is a grabber, but I do love hot male cover art, lol! I can be sold on a cover alone...although I've been disappointed in the past for doing so.
For my own book cover I didn't want any people close ups though--just to be safe.
Speaking of hot hunky covers, Ann Cory's Breaking in Levy (Cobblestone Press)-- now that guy is smokin' hot! *drool* I want to read it just to get behind that sexy cover. ;)
That's a cool cover for sword of darkness.
For as many books as I've done, I've rarely been given a lot of choice in the matter of my covers ...
Jordan - Hmm... Let's see. Uh... Your husband? *wg*
Vivienne - I have to admit that cover for McCray's lastest novel, just showing the legs, is totally sexy. *g*
Loribelle - Too bad they're only half-naked. *evil grin*
Jodici - *high 5's* Yeah! No matter people say, a man in the cover is definitevily a seller.
Tess - You're right. A title is just as catchy as the cover. After all, when the books are all lined up in the shelves you don't get so see the covers, just the books' spines.
Chryscat - Okay, now I'm dying to see the cover! *lol*
Cora - You have a great cover, even if it doesn't have a half-naked man in it. ;)
Bonnie - And so far the story is pretty good! *g*
Jill - I guess big publishers tend to work on the covers more on their own than smaller publishers and epublishers.
I think of a major scene that's a turning point in the story, OR the first scene where the h/h meet.
I agree. Covers can either be a turn on or turn off.