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Monday, October 10, 2005

Good things about eating chocolate

Chocolate's Good Stuff:

* A typical dark chocolate bar contains significantly fewer calories and carbs than milk chocolate.

* Although it contains saturated fat that's believed to increase LDL, or "bad," cholesterol, new studies reveal that dark chocolate doesn't raise LDL levels. Its high stearic acid content is actually thought to lower serum cholesterol levels.

* Dark chocolate contains magnesium, known to regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease. Magnesium also helps to metabolize the sugar in the chocolate--a good double whammy.

* Cacao beans (which chocolate is made from) have the highest levels of antioxidants of any known plant source. Antioxidants suppress free radicals, which can damage healthy cells in your body. Dark chocolate has the highest level of cacao solids of any chocolate, making it the healthiest, disease-fighting chocolate choice.

- Southern Living

Comments on "Good things about eating chocolate"


Blogger Angela's Designs said ... (5:58 PM) : 

I don't have enough at home, I need to go to the store! :)


Blogger Kristen Painter said ... (6:42 PM) : 

Thanks. Like I didn't have enough reasons to eat chocolate already...lol


Blogger Shesawriter said ... (7:35 PM) : 

Wonderful. I've saved this. Now I have even more excuses ... er ... I mean, reasons to eat chocolate. It's for my health, ya know? ;-)



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:30 PM) : 

Are there bad things about chocolate? To my thinking, everything involving chocolate can be rationalized.

BTW - did I forget to mention I tagged you? Details on my blog. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (10:13 PM) : 

Annalee - Oh! You're going through a withdrawl! Call 911!


Blogger Silma said ... (10:14 PM) : 

Kristen - There are never enough reasons to eat chocolate. *wg*


Blogger Silma said ... (10:18 PM) : 

Shesawriter - Exactly! You know, my doctor says that when I'm feeling doomed by a writing project, just to eat a bag of M&Ms and call him in the morning. *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (10:26 PM) : 

Lynn - Yes you did! You're evil. *lol*


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:19 AM) : 

Now I'm hungry.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:43 AM) : 

Mmm . . . chocolate }:)


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