Critiques: Second round
Last night, after finishing with the edits for the vamprotica story, I sat down and re-read the whole thing. I was amazed at how good it was. But it was just good. Although I thought there was nothing wrong with it, my eyes kept straying to the "leftover" file, where many scenes ended up just to meet the number of words required for the contest. I could remember some of the scenes - a few flashbacks between the heroine and the hero in another life - and kept wondering whether I did the right thing to eliminate those scenes or not. So I realized I needed a second pair of eyes to read it - give me some extra feedback - before I publish it. This afternoon I posted on Romance Divas looking for people interested in critiquing my story. Knowing how busy my fellow divas are, with the NaNo coming up and all, I wasn't expecting anyone to answer my post soon. Imagine the wonderful surprise when three (very) brave soulserotic writers Laura Biacchi and Eden Bradley, and diva Luisa, answered. I just sent them a copy of the story, now let's see what happens. *sits to bite her nails* |
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