13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

Samba story
7,926 / 8,000 (99.1%)

S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Monday, October 24, 2005

Book Buying Habits

I've been thinking about my book buying habits. When I was young I'd order them through Scholastic Scope. Then when B. Dalton opened in the west coast, I made dad take me there every Friday after school. I suffered a lot when B. Dalton closed its doors, and for a while I depended on the wonderful members of the romance community - RRA-L - to get me the books. Then Amazon.com came along and The BookShop opened, so I had two sources to buy books. I mostly bought them through the book store. However, since the book store didn't bring all the books I liked, I'd ordered those through Amazon.com. About 3 years ago, I started ordering books from BN.com when I got their Mastercard and saved in the process. After the BookShop closed, BN.com became a lifesaver, especially since they have the free S&H after an order of $25. Now Borders opened here about 10 months ago. Although mostly I keep ordering books through BN.com, now that Borders sends me discount coupons, I sometimes buy a book there.

A few months ago, I also bought a PC Pocket, so I've been downloading free books through the Guttenberg Project. I've bought a few ebooks directly from epublishers. However, my collection of paperbacks is still bigger than my ebook. *lol*

How do you buy your books?

Comments on "Book Buying Habits"


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (12:37 AM) : 

I buy books at used books stores, major chain outlets, Amazon, and online directly from the publishers. Basically any way I can get my hands on them. *ggg*


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:12 AM) : 

I buy my books from any source. Usually when I'm in Wal-Mart or Target, I'll buy at least one. I'll buy them from the used bookstore. From Borders or BN. Or of course if it's ebooks I buy those directly from the sites.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:02 PM) : 

I get my books at the bookstore :)


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