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4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Monday, September 19, 2005

Car problems, Ebay bid, and fast draft...oh my!

The car is still giving me problems. The last time I took it to the mechanic, I swore it was fixed. But after two weeks, it started acting out on Thursday. The mechanic cleaned some of the filters, but during the whole weekend it kept turning itself off every time I stopped it. So I didn't do much from my "to-do" list. (Yeah another wasted weekend. GRRRR!!!) Since he was at lost as what else to do to my car, this morning the mechanic took it to be scanned, hoping that something would show up in the scanner. However, they couldn't find anything wrong with it. *sighs* I'm starting to believe that the car is possessed. I might need a voodoo priestess to exorcise it.

In the effort to help raise money for Larissa Ione, I was bidding for fellow diva Gina's critique, but I got outbid by another fellow diva, Kristen. *g* Way to go, Kristen! I've been outbid for Lora Leigh's critique too. Anyway, I'm still after Jordan Summer's critique though.

To complete this weird day, I remembered that Candace Havens’ Fast Draft workshop through Romance Divas started today. So I logged in to read Candace's posts. According to her, the goal is to write 20 pages daily. I already had a problem with this because I view my progress in terms of word count, not pages, since it's easier to write single space. Writing double space doesn't allow me to see too much of what I've written, so I find it very annoying and useless during my creative progress. So I figured a way out of it would be to calculate how many words were in 20 pages, and it came up to around 7,800 words. YIKES! No way Jose! I can't do that in one day. As it is, it takes me hours to come up with 2,000 words. I have a full-time job, so it's not like I'm at home with nothing else to do but write (although I wish!). All in all I just have about 2 hours at night to write. What can I do with 2 hours? After too much thought, and getting some advice from C.C., I decided to overlook the 20-pages part and start with 2 pages a day, a level I feel comfortable working with. Also, according to Candace, the workshop works best if people team up to support each , so some of the divas have created teams. I joined C.C.'s Gonzo Team (named after the Muppets). *vbg* Hopefully, that would help me get started tomorrow.

Comments on "Car problems, Ebay bid, and fast draft...oh my!"


Blogger Crystal* said ... (1:09 PM) : 

Sorry about the car!!! Ack!!!
I hate having unreliable transportation. Hope it gets better soon.
I love the idea of being grouped up for support. I think that's great. And your goal seems reachable. Good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:07 PM) : 

Your car sounds like it needs a good kick in the tyres. Whoa, just the thought of 20 pages hurts my head, but I can see how a support group would push you to do more. I must check in and read all the posts. I know Deidre Knight is visiting this week too. I've been trying to be a good girl and stay off the internet, apart from checking my email. I really want to finish my current story.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:03 PM) : 

Sorry to hear about the car, Silma. I can relate. My "girl" died 3 weeks ago. First her front end, then her transmission...so now I'm back to car payments.
Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. I've been lurking, but have been too busy to comment to anyone. But I'm here!


Blogger Silma said ... (4:28 PM) : 

Thanks girls! So far the car seems to be behaving okay. But tomorrow is Friday, so let's see if it decides to keep playing nice or if I'll have to spend another weekend car-less.


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