Writing progress
Okay, since this morning, I've been able to add about 800 words to the new story, which incidentally remains untitled. I hate to write stories to which I have no title for. It drives me crazy. I feel like I'm writing without direction. Anyway, I still haven't reached the 2K-word mark, but I'm (much) closer now as you can see from my progress bar below. Tonight I'm going to work on the edits a bit, and tomorrow I'll finish the whole thing. That is if the Muses decide to cooperate... |
Comments on "Writing progress"
Go, Silma, go!!! :)
Thanks Tori for cheering me up! *g*
Here's to your Muses being cooperative. It's the least they can do!
Hope the edits go smoothly, and you finish.
And I understand completely about the title thing. I'm the same way.
Go, Silma, Go! Go! Go Silma, Go! Go!
(isn't that a cheer? or a chant or something?...)
Cracks whip to keep muses cooperating!
Good job on the writing. I hate leaving things untitled too. But my titles are sooooooo lame. Sometimes I will just call it the name of a favorite song until I can come up with a real title.
Thank you all for the thumbs up! *g* I finished the stoy last night. Today I'm going over it, editing as best I can what I wrote last night, so I can send it this afternoon.