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Monday, August 08, 2005

I'm pissed! BIG TIME!

Remember that the Vamprotica deadline was July 31 and how I was in such a rush to send them my story that I didn't have it critiqued? WELL... I just got an email from a friend with this:
The deadline is August 8, 2005. Please submit earlier!
CHIPPEWA PUBLISHING MOVED THE DEADLINE FOR THEIR VAMPROTICA 2005! I couldn't believe it. I've been going by their website almost everyday, and I never saw anything about this. So I rushed to their website and almost fell off my chair. Overnight they'd changed their website look. And there it was, the new deadline.

Damn, damn, damn! If I'd known of the deadline extension, I'd have had my story critiqued and edited before sending it. Not that I'm hoping to get a call from them, you know. After all, I recognize I didn't do a fair justice to it in barely under 6K words. But geez, at least I could have sent something better. And if they rejected it, I could always add to it and submit it to another, like Ocean Mist Press who's accepting stories for their Halloween releases.

And want to know what makes the whole thing worst? I don't even know if the first submission got through or if it is even under consideration. You see, back then they used to have this web submission form which you filled out. I wasn't crazy about it 'coz it didn't allow you to attach both the synopsis and manuscript as they ask. Only the latter could be attached, and the synopsis was posted in a special block. This left no space to add the cover letter anywhere. So I never sent them a cover letter with the submission. What if they aren't considering my submission due to that? And now instead of the web submission form, they give a specific email to send submissions. Okay, so what if it didn't get through back then? Now it's too late to email them asking about it. What to do? What to do? What to do!!!

*bangs her head against the desk* Okay... Luckily I still have the synopsis and manuscript files saved in my computer's hard disk so I'm going to re-submit everything, this time using their new email address. *takes a VERY deep breath and releases it*

Comments on "I'm pissed! BIG TIME!"


Blogger Shari said ... (1:43 AM) : 

I'd be upset, too! Did you finally figure out what you want to do? (((HUGS))) Hope you are feeling better now!

Diva Shari


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:50 AM) : 

Deep Breaths, Babe!

It's ok. I'm sure they'll recognize the story for the good stuff it is, an you'll make it through.

Good Luck!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:05 AM) : 

Hugs, Silma! I hope it got through! Can you send an email to find out?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:52 PM) : 

Hugs, Silma! Good luck!!!


Blogger Eva Gale said ... (8:29 PM) : 

OK. Get it critted, and send it in to Phaze for a Shivers Heat Sheet!

Hope it works out with the other one.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:09 PM) : 

Shari - I emailed them everything again. The only file I didn't have was the cover letter, so I sent a crummy one. Ugh!


Blogger Silma said ... (9:12 PM) : 

Sasha - Thanks. I'm feeling much better today. I guess the shock yesterday made me act a little crazy. *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (9:13 PM) : 

Laura and Tori - Thanks! *g* I threw a a "pity party" and ate a whole bowl of popcorn. It helped me calm down.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:15 PM) : 

Suzanne - Since I found out about the deadline three hours before it ended, I'm afraid sending them an email asking if they received the submission was out of the question. =(


Blogger Silma said ... (9:19 PM) : 

Bri - I'll have it critiqued eventually. However, I don't think I'll send it to the Phaze's Shiver HeatSheets. That's the "big leagues", I'm not up to it. Like Bridge said, there are only 6 spots. Too much competition. I'll leave that to writers like you, Jenna, and Lisa. *g*


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