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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Splitting hairs

Last night my Muse and I had a big pow-wow right in the middle of my writing "DDP," the story I'm hoping to send to the Vamprotica contest. I was going over the story, trying to edit some of the (very) rough areas, so I could send it to my new CPs, Phoenix Ford and Diva Gina, for critique. I figured I'd have time to edit it some more once I got their critiques since the contest ends in roughly 3 weeks.

Well, it all started with the number of words. I had managed to keep the story barely under 6K words (since the contest limits the stories from 2 - 6 K), and I wasn't happy about it because that left me scarcely any room to manipulate in case my CPs told me to layer any area more. As I read the story, I felt that I'd done a fairly good job adding some details, but it was then that little nagging voice of my Muse popped up.

Muse: "You need to add more about their internal conflict. What motivates him to rescue her from the attackers?"
Me: "I already told you, he's been following her for some time and she intrigues him."
Muse: "Yes, you know that, but how will the reader know? Where do you say that?"
Me: "Well, he goes to where she works and watches her."
Muse: "That's not good enough."
Me: *sighed and inwardly knew she was right* "Okay, I'll add that scene after the first one with him observing her from high above one of the building."
Muse: *sing sangs* "Ah, but that will put it over the word limit."
Me: *now I'm getting pissy* "Then what the hell am I suppossed to do?"
Muse: "Eliminate the first chapter, and skip to chapter 2, where she's dancing on the pole. Make them meet where she works."
Me: "Are you crazy? If I delete chapter 1, then where's the story? I need that chapter 1. It's a very clever one."
Muse: "Use it for Armand and Giselle's story then. It'd make a great first chapter for their story."
Me: "No way! That's a totally different story. Besides, the hero's and heroine's names won't work with the story line."
Muse: "But why not? Both Armand and Gabriel are vampire hunters."
Me: *cringed* "Armand isn't a vampire hunter any more."
Muse: "Hey! We decided yesterday that he was a vampire hunter too. When did you change your mind? And what gives you the right to change it without consulting me?"
(Great! A Muse with a bitchy attitude.)
Me: "Yeah, well, I've been thinking about that, and I'll have Armand be just an ordinary man who meets Giselle at a Halloween party. The rest remains just as we planned."
(Muse remained silent for a while.)
Muse: "The idea has merit. You can stick to them having great sex and use it to return his memory. And you could keep it within the 2 - 6K limit. *grinned happily* Anyway, getting back to Gabriel and Angelina's story, I still say you should eliminate that first chapter. Oh, and don't make Angelina a stripper. How about a DJ?"
Me: "What?! We agreed she'd be a stripper. The contest ends in roughly 3 weeks. That doesn't give me enough time to rewrite the whole story. I barely have time to send it to my CPs, get it critiqued, and edit it. And I think it clever that Gabriel falls for Angelina, who's a stripper."
Muse: "Oh pleeze! Don't be so naive. Romance readers don't care about strippers."
(I slouched on the chair. Damn! In a way my Muse was right, but I'd not tell her in her face though.)
Me: *pout* "I'll make my heroine a stripper, and that's that. And if nobody publishes it, I'll self-publish it."
Muse: "Then be stubborn about it and sink your own writing career. See if I care!"
Me: "Ha. Ha. Ha. So you know, I don't have a writing career!"

By now my Muse had stomped out, leaving me doubting about what to do. I could use my first chapter to create a new story for Armand and Giselle. Come to think of it, if I make the heroine a DJ, I'll have to change her name. But I still love the name of Armand. And it's a good name for a vampire hunter. *bangs head repetitively against the keyboard* Now, what am I to do with Gabriel and Angelina?

Comments on "Splitting hairs"


Blogger DD Blackman said ... (10:57 AM) : 

Wow, you got a lot going on over there. Step away from the computer and take a deep breathe. Go get yourself a cold drink and then see what scenario is more to your liking. You can do it.


Blogger Silma said ... (11:55 AM) : 

Diane - The problem is that all of my scenarios are to my liking. I see the possibilities in all of them. But the lack of time to explore each one of them is the key here. *sighs*


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:40 PM) : 

Okay here's a suggestion. . . pick the one that most appeals to you and save the others for different stories. Sounds like there's potential for many here :)


Blogger Katrina Glover said ... (1:12 PM) : 

Geez, so many great ideas, only 1 to choose...

Hmm, I'd say whatever brings about the best, tightest, most emotional and together story is the way you should go. Which one can you see all the way thru to the end and when you get there, feel like you've been on a rollercoaster?


Blogger Crystal* said ... (4:00 PM) : 

Do NOT piss the Muse off.
See if it will work as she proposed. If, as you say, you like ALL the possibilities, then make them work for YOU.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:08 PM) : 

Sounds like you need a break :) I go for a walk when I get in a battle with Ms. Muse. Think about it a bit, then go with gut instinct - the idea that grabs you most. In fact, I think Ms. Muse is related to Gut Instinct! Happy writing, Silma.


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:00 PM) : 

Ah those muses! Can't live without them though. And they know it!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:38 PM) : 

Your muse and mine must be sisters. Bitchy sisters, LOL!


Blogger Silma said ... (1:57 PM) : 

Bonnie - That's the problem, I like 'em all. *sighs*

Kat - I could do them all if I had the time. But if I want to enter the Vamprotica contest, time is running out. I can't write all the stories at the same time. I'm not that good at multi-tasking/writing. Ugh!

Chryscat - Maybe you should warn my Muse not to piss ME off. *evil grin*

Shelley - Well, I feel more like breaking my Muse's nose. *lol*

Teresa - *lol* Yeah, tell me about it.

Jill - And how do you deal with her bitchy moods?


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