Yes, you're in the right place!
Dear frequent blog readers, No need to scratch your eyes or adjust your monitor. You're not in the wrong blog. You have arrived safely to my blog, The Misadventures of an Unpublished Writer. Trust me, it's no mistake. You're here with me. *grins* But it looks so different, you say. Well, yes, I did change the look of it. Hope you like the new look. *grins* |
Comments on "Yes, you're in the right place!"
I love the new look!
When I first pulled your blog up, I thought, "Wow. That's bright!" Not that it's too bright, mind you, but it's much brighter than your old layout. But I definitely like it.
Well, let's face it, Blogger doesn't give you a lot of templates to choose from. So unless you have someone make one custom-made, you have no other choice but to pick among the choices given. :P