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Sunday, February 20, 2005


I can't believe it's Sunday already! The long weekend is almost over! Where has time gone? I still have this long list of things I needed to do taped to the monitor of my computer, and I've not even started them. I'd hoped to do them all since it is 3-day weekend. Okay, maybe I still can do some of them tonight.

First, I'll tackle the critiques. I'm way past due on that area, so this is my priority. I just feel like heel for not pulling my weight at Critique Corner, and I don't want to be kicked out of the group. Even if I can't upload the critiques tonight, I'll be happy just to have finished critiquing Shannon's and Car's work since I've got the most chapters to critique. I can leave Amy's work, which is shorter, to critique during the week.

Hmm... Then there is the writing challenge game I started with Rae. I've not sent her my title and hook yet, and it's been a week since she sent me hers. Gosh, she must hate me by now. *sighs* Okay, while I wait for the pizza to arrive, I'm going to surf the web for an 80's song title and come up with a hook. I'll email her this and then send her another email for the next challenge: write the ending.

I can do this, I can do this... *repeats mantra*

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