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4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Friday, February 25, 2005

Exploring my new toys

Tonight I sat down to explore my new electronic toys. I got out the stuff for the foldable keyboard I received yesterday. The keyboard doesn't need electricity as I thought before when I noticed the AC output on it. So I read further and found out that the AC adapter of the iPaq can be used by it, so when I plug it to the foldable keyboard, the iPaq doesn't loose charge. Is this cool or what?! *grins* I can carry all three comfortably on my purse, and take them out and write whatever pops in my mind whenever the Muse strikes me. Right now it's laying on my bed, where for the past hour I've been writing. Gosh, this is better than a laptop or an AlphaSmart! No distractions!

Last week Walgreens had put on special the CompactFlash and SD cards, both used by my PC Pocket, so I bought two of each. I'm using the SD cards (128 MB) for storing my ebooks, and the CF cards (also 128 MB) for storing whatever I write. I learned how to save things on .doc instead of Pocket Word so Word can read it on my PC. I've already got a little blurb for my next story stored in one of the CF cards. *grins*

Comments on "Exploring my new toys"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:45 AM) : 

New Toys can be sooo much fun!


Blogger Silma said ... (9:16 PM) : 

I know Sheri! This one is different though. I bought the iPaq for just reading ebooks, but I think it might help me get my writing groove back. *vbg*


Blogger Lynn said ... (10:58 AM) : 

Is it working for ya? Anything that can get you back into the writing groove is a good thing, right?


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