I just logged into my email and saw an email from FTHRW_Workshops, which I had recently applied to join since I'm interested in taking a few of the workshops that FTHRW offers. So I opened it thinking that it was the usual polite email from them telling me that I was accepted and the rules of the group. But no, the email said that my request to join it was denied. That was it. No explanations for such action. And just last night Nisa, who I think it's one of the moderators, emailed me asking if I was a member of From The Heart Romance Writers Chapter (FTHRW) of RWA and I quickly emailed her back telling her that I did. So, what happened? I've no idea. The worst part is that I erased her email and didn't save her email addy. *sighs* Okay, I'll email the moderators asking for an explanation. |
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