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Friday, February 18, 2005

Sherryl's workshop: Final Day

Last night I went to bed and didn't do my writing homework. So this morning I tried to do some brainstorming while at work. I couldn't simply come up with any good incidents. My mind was blank. What can I say? I'm a pantser; I don't plan that far ahead. So I finally gave up trying so hard and wrote some very vague ideas I had circulating in my mind. I know they kind of suck, but this is a story I've not figured out the ending yet or the feel.

Comments on "Sherryl's workshop: Final Day"


Blogger Silma said ... (9:04 PM) : 

Yeah, I guess so, Teresa. But right Sara's story will have to wait until I write Katherine's story first. Besides, I've got other story lines in my head that I want to explore.


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