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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pondering opportunities

Lately I've been confronted with a series of opportunities that can further my writing career. Or at least help me start one. *lol* Anyway, I've been confused about what to do, which ones to accept. Is this the best time to accept any offers? What if I'm being too eager and make the wrong decision? So I did a little reading. It's a three-card draw that I designed many years ago. I ask three questions related to each other, and each card shows a part of the answer to the problem.

Ace of Swords

You have the gift of thought. Use it rightly, to see the world clearly, to communicate well, and create a happy, healthy reality.

Ace of Wands - Reversed

Be aware of ignoring opportunities and inaction. The Ace of Wands is a gift that requires the recipient to take action.

Seven of Pentacles

You have sown seeds of some sort. They are bearing fruit and it is time for the harvest. Take time to compare the investment with the results. If it is not what you’d hoped, determine what you can do differently next time.

Hmm... It's interesting that the last card has shown in the past four readings I've done. Like it's asking me to stop and take stock of the results of my actions. But at this moment I seem to be caught in a thing that's snowballing, and I can't stop and step back to ponder about what's going on.

Comments on "Pondering opportunities"


Blogger Jodie said ... (5:52 PM) : 

Wowee, that looks great. Did you do tarot or a friend?


Blogger Silma said ... (8:52 PM) : 

Jodici - Honestly? It's a bit freightening. Especially that 2nd. and 3rd. card. Oh, I did the reading. I've got several tarot cards. *g*


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:33 PM) : 

They are beautiful tarot cards! You'll make the right decisions for yourself, at least it seems to me that the cards are saying that :)


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (11:42 PM) : 

The cards are very pretty and sound on track with what you've been doing. Time to pay attention. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:07 PM) : 

I dunno -- sounds to me like the cards are trying to tell you something. Did the reading help?


Blogger Silma said ... (10:38 PM) : 

Jordan - Yeah, I gotta meditate on them.


Blogger Silma said ... (10:39 PM) : 

Jodici - I do my own readings. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (10:39 PM) : 

Bonnie - I hope I can make the right decisions.


Blogger Silma said ... (10:40 PM) : 

Lynn - Honestly? I think the cards are more than trying to tell me something. Sounds like they're expressing my biggest fears. Did they help? Yeah. But it's coming to those right decisions that's driving me crazy.


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