Why I don't read ebooks anymore...
I used to buy ebooks before, but not anymore. I know it's the "Read an ebook" week, so without trying to sound like a total bitch, here are the reasons why I've stopped buy them. 1. My sight is suffering from looking at the screen. I already spend around 8 hours daily looking at a monitor (as part of my job). When I come home, I might spend another 2 hours before it. So add that to read books on a monitor, and my eyes are getting usually sore and dry from looking at the light of monitors. 2. I'm totally turn off by the poor quality of the covers. Sorry, but I do judge a book by it's cover. If the cover is lousy, imagine the inside. I can't imagine the publisher hiring competent editors when they can't hire competent book cover designers. Which leads me to point #3... 3. Poor editing. Sometimes it amazes me how some stories got published. The grammar is atrocious. There are holes in the plot bigger than the ones in the ozone layer. 4. Erotic romance holds 99.9% percent of ebooks market. Lately the quality of the stories has suffered. They lack that meaty part that it's called plot. Most have one sex scene after the other. It's like watching a porn movie. And just as unsatisfying. 5. Ebooks are cheaper to make than books, then they should be sold cheaper too, right? Wrong! Some stories are 80K long just as books, and they're just as pricy if not more. I prefer to buy a book of about 100K for $6.99. Besides, with discount coupons at Borders, I get them sometimes down to $4.50. |
Comments on "Why I don't read ebooks anymore..."
All valid reasons. It's pretty hit or miss, but I doubt I'll give up reading ebooks.
I might still read ebooks. But not as much I used to. Maybe 2 - 3 a year.
Hmm yeah, some I've picked up are horribly bad, written and coverwise. I like the covers for the place I'm with now. But I agree, it's harder to read.
Vivienne - I admit that some new epublishers are making the effort to get better quality out there, and I do appreciate it.
However, there's still the price thing. Since I'm involved in publishing, I know the costs, and it doesn't justify to pay for ebook as much as I pay for a printed one.
Shelli - I believe that many new epublishers are making the effort to hire better graphic artists. Especially those epublishers established by ewriters. They are exposed to the comments, and therefore, more willing to correct them.
BTW, beautiful cover of your first book. *g*
I think Cobblestone is going to give other ebook companies a run for their money in the cover department. They have great covers. I'm hoping their quality will have other ebook co.'s rushing to catch up.
I love ebooks, but I admit I will wait until certain titles go into print if it's a POD publisher. I'd rather have the print for the price. It's just a preference.
Cora - For what I've seen of Cobblestone, they seem to have hired a good graphic artists. I hope other epublishers follow their example and do the same thing.
I must say I've sort of gone off ebooks myself. There are just too many bad ebooks and ebook practices out there. Sometimes you buy a book that hasn't been edited and or isn't finished. It claims to be romance but isn't HEA and you are given no warning about this. If it is a serial then it should be labelled as such. Some of things that claim to be part of a series are only really the first few chapters of a much larger novel. IMHO if it is a series each book should be largely self contained like proper books.
If ebook publishers want to be taken seriously then they really need to address these things.
You brought up some good points on the negatives of reading ebooks. I do agree that most of the erotica comes off as porn with lots of sex scenes and no plot. I had to read a bunch when I was a book reviewer. It's too bad because I think that ebooks like that give the whole ebook market a bad name.