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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Where would your ideal castle be?

Your castle is mysterious and dark, yet moonlight falls upon it and gives it a magical glow.  Wizardry holds a fascination for you, as do creatures that most say donÂ’t exist.  You d
Your castle is mysterious and dark, yet moonlight
falls upon it and gives it a magical glow. Wizardry holds a fascination for you, as do creatures that most say don't exist. You don't let many members of the opposite sex see you for who you really are, but once that person is found, he or she will be able to look beyond any image you have built up to see you as a person. You can act well and are very creative.

Where would your ideal castle be?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow... This is so accurate is scary!

Comments on "Where would your ideal castle be?"


Blogger K.A.S. said ... (2:37 PM) : 

Beautiful art in these!

Your ideal castle is isolated, yet breathtakingly beautiful, and surrounded by nature. You are the kind of person that likes being alone, and you prize beauty above many things, but not necessarily human beauty. You are calm, serene, and a valued friend.


Blogger Silma said ... (2:57 PM) : 

Karen - Totally! *g* So what do you think of the test? Hit or miss?


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (8:02 PM) : 

In Scotland. :o)


Blogger Silma said ... (9:24 PM) : 

Jordan - Very funny! *lol* But what does the test tell you?


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