Rejection. Surge. No madness.
It's March! Can you believe it? I thought February went by fast, but it's the year that is passing me by. Before long I'll be celebrating a new year. Again. Anyway, here it is. A new month. And it sure started with a bang. My vampire story for the Amber Quill Press contest didn't win (which means I don't get a 2-year contract with them). For me, that equals a rejection since they won't consider anyone else until they open the contest again next year. So that makes's see... the third rejection of the year. Too bad these epublishers don't take the time to email you the rejection letter. It'd be nice to know that my work isn't up to par with their ideas. You know, it'd give me an idea of what they didn't like. ![]() Speaking of punishment, for next 5 days I'll work on the story for the Phaze - Surge contest. Then I'll go into editing, and finally submission. So I'm putting the DDD story aside. I wish I could have something more solid for Cerri and Clara though, but that will have to wait after the 10th. Finally, after much consideration, I decided to stay away from the March Madness challenge suggested by Cerri. I get too competitive with myself, and I get all frustrated if I can't achieve my goal. Besides, the way I write doesn't go with the challenge. (I don't do chapters.) However, Lisa, at Romance Divas, suggested the idea of weekly goals and created The Goal of the Week Club. That might seem pausible for me. So I have set already goals for the next five days. Write the surge story. *lol* (Note to Lynn: I didn't know what yesterday's two-card draw meant. I thought it had to do with something else, more private, although I admit I was 100% sure what it part of my private life was referring to. But after what has happened in the last 12 hours, now I know. It's related to my writing.) |
Comments on "Rejection. Surge. No madness."
The weekly goal club Lisa created for me is working out rather well. I've actually been chipping away at my goals day by day. :D
(((Silma))) even if you don't need it :)
OOOH! I got a special note! *g*
If that's the case, then the reading's right on target. You're proving your strength and facing your fears by dusting yourself off, getting right back up, and submitting again.
Kudos to you!
The weekly goal thing sounds interesting. I don't think not winning a contest is a rejection. Contests are SO subjective. It could've been the best story in there, but if you catch the judge on a wrong day, then it's all over. I'm batting about 50/50 with contests at this point.
I know exactly how you feel. Believe me, I do. BIG HUGS!
Shawn - I posted my goals for this week. So far things are conspiring against me though. Grrr... But hopefully I'd get into the funk of things again.
Bonnie, thanks anyway. Hugs are always welcome. *g*
Lynn - Scary how these things know ahead of time, isn't it? *chuckles* But hey, it was a good advice to have ahead of time. It shows me that I'm on the right track and just gotta move on.
Jordan - Well, in this case the contest is to offer you their contract since they're closed for submissions for the rest of the year. So they use the contest thing as a way for writers to submit their works to them. That's why I see it as rejection.
Tanya - Thanks! I'm feeling good about the whole thing. I have a lot of faith in this story. So it's gonna get another shot. If it gets rejected, I'll self-publish it. No problem. The technology is there, and I know how to use it. I can create ebooks in several formats in a matter of 15 minutes, without breaking a sweat. *lol*
The way I see it is that I can sell it cheap and reap the 100% profit of the sale without bothering to share the money with anyone else (editors, agents, etc.) So I don't have to wait for the 35% royalty of what's left after they pay everyone else. *g* Yeah...I'm such a capitalist pig. *rofl*
With all the vampire fiction published nowadays, it's become a really tough market.
Keep at it, Silma!!! {{{Hugs}}}
Faith - Oh, I know! *lol* The market is simply saturated with vampire stories. That's why I'm moving on to wereanimals. Just as scary. And just as sexy. ;)
Jana - Hey, chica! Haven't you see around the blogsphere lately! Getting your butt kick at RD's Mentor/Apprentice program? *g*
Thanks for the hugs and the words of encouragement. *smiles* The whole rejection hasn't dampened my spirit. I'm still writing. Well, actually, I'm trying to get my Muses to make up their minds. One wants to work on one story, the other on another story, and so forth... Me, the mediator of Muses. *lol*
Dang, Silma. You one BUSSSSSY gal. I'm leaving tons of Mint Chip ice cream for you to dig into. But you're attitude is great. And I agree- it'd be so nice if they at least pointed to what they saw/didn't see. Throw a writer a bone peoples :)
Kat - Heya, girl! Yummy! Mint Chip ice cream! Love ya for that! *g*
One thing I've learned is to take writing as a business. Like Tom Hanks said in You've got Mail, "It's not personal, it's business." And you know what? That's soooo true! Besides, I've learned that sometimes you gotta take the bull by the horn if you want things to get done. *lol* And I'm doing exactly that.