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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Weird conversation

Last Saturday I was online chatting on ICQ with a fellow writer. During the convo, we touched the topic of writing, and she mentioned some things that I just don't know what to make of them. Here's how it went (more or less)...

She: Did you hear from AQP?
Me: Nope. My story didn't make it.
She: I heard they're going to call for seconds.
Me: Yep. The emails went out the next day the winners were announced.
She: Did you get a second call?
Me: Nope.
She: I was afraid of that.
Me: Whatcha mean?
She: You've ruffled a few feathers.
Me: Why do you say that?
She: You went in and did some serious accusations, you know.
Me: What are you talking about?
She: Remember saying that the contest was a phony to get epublished writers to submit to them?
Me: Whoa! That's not true. What I said was that I was fed up with epublishers' contests because already epublishing writers win more often than those who aren't published. And that's a fact. Okay, so experienced writers deliever better material. But hey, if you're already published by one epublisher, why be published by multiple ones? I'd understand if they wrote different genres. But the same genre - erotic romance? Oh pleeze...
She: See? People are pissed off with you.
Me: Who?
She: Epublishers and writers.
Me: Well, excuse me for exercising my freedom of speech. Besides, I don't think I said anything to piss anyone off. Gosh, they're really pissed off with me 'coz of that?
She: It's also your whining.
Me: Me? Whine? Since when?
She: You complain too much about your writing, about how bad you are writing sex scenes, etc.
Me: Look, I'm new at this. I'm trying to find my niche. So I'm not a good erotic romance writer. Okay. Scratch that one, and move on to the next genre. Isn't that a logical thing to do? Find what your forte is as a writer and stick to it?
She: True. But the way you do complain. Many think you don't have what it takes to be in this business.
Me: They're entitled to their own opinion, right?
She: This negative attitude of yours has them giving you the cold shoulder.
Me: OK, explain this one.
She: You're constantly bitching about agents and publishers.
Me: Sooo not true! I've never publicly attack them! So some writers need agents and publishers. I don't. I have goals that don't involve them. Or taking out more of my money to give to thirds. But that's just me.
She: How about all that talk about self-publishing your stories if they're not accepted?
Me: What about it?
She: They don't like it. The idea of developing your craft is to be eventually accepted by a publisher.
Me: I have nothing against improving myself as a writer. But I'm not kissing asses either. Publishers are in this for the money. So am I. I'm a businesswoman just like them. If I want things to happen, I see nothing wrong with self-publishing. Specially epublishing. Technology makes it very easy.
She: It's just not done. The goal is to submit your work and have it accepted by a publisher.
Me: Whatever. I'm not a snob. A good story is a good story. I don't care who publishes it. Besides being published by a NY publisher doesn't guarantee the story is good. So far I've read 2 novels from TOR's new line, TOR Romance. Those were suppossed to be romance novels? Where's the romance? I'm still trying to push myself to read the second one. So far the heroine and the hero can both drop dead, and I couldn't care less. See? Hit and misses, even by the biggies.
She: I know that. Still you should cut out all that talk about self-publishing.
Me: How about if I start my own epublishing company, eh? *lol* Except I won't accept submissions from previously epublished writers. Just new people.
She: Please don't. Don't make them angrier. They already don't like you there. Tone down your attitude.
Me: Oh, you see? Never tell me not to do something 'coz that's the first thing I'm gonna end up doing. *lol* I love challenges. *evil grin*
She: Do what you think it's best. I'm telling you all this for your own good. Stop putting yourself down. Maybe you should stay away for a while.
Me: Whatever.

At this point I diconnected my ICQ without bothering to say good-bye. I usually don't let things bother me, but this one did. I've tried to ignore it, but it keeps popping in my head even after this long. Hmm...

Comments on "Weird conversation"


Blogger K.A.S. said ... (12:12 PM) : 

Wow. Not sure where to start here ... or stop... but

1 - Who is the "many" that think you don't belong? The "they" that don't like it? I'd say you've at least got people talking about you.

2 - Silma, keep doing what you're doing. You aren't going to be any happier if you keep your questions and doubts to yourself - and unless this person you were chatting with is in charge of acquisitions (or in direct contact with someone who is) - how can s/he say that your "attitude" or questions are a problem?

3 - Agents and editors say over and over, just write a great book. So, keep writing. Write a great book. I don't think anyone's going to go "oh, she raised questions about publishing on her blog, I'm not even going to read this." Geesh.

I guess it would be naive to think there's not politics in publishing. But you've not accused anyone of acting illegal, immoral, or done anything but ask questions in genral about procedure and practice. It's also naive NOT to ask questions.

Mostly, it's the tone of that chat that really, really ruffled my feathers. I'm assuming that was a direct cut/paste? If it had been phrased in a concerned manner, I'd say sure, consider what s/he said. But the tone and intent here seems to be to hurt you. And I'd not be wasting my time talking with that person about my writing anymore.

Just my .02

Keep writing Silma!


Blogger Silma said ... (1:43 PM) : 

Karen - At one point I thought she was referring to RD since it was the only place where I posted something about not wanting to enter contests opened for both unpublished and published writers. That was back when the whole AQP contest. So I felt that she also referred to the owner of AQP. I can't think of anything else. But like you said, I didn't accuse anyone of doing anything illegal. I just made a comment, which several published took the time to answer. I mean if that was the reason why my story wasn't chosen then whatever. But I KNOW that wasn't it. The story just wasn't good. Period. I'm glad it wasn't chosen because I'm improving it and sending it elsewhere. Oh shit... Maybe I shouldn't say that or might ruffle even more feathers. *sighs*


Blogger Shelli Stevens said ... (2:27 PM) : 

Oye that's just crazy. And I'm not sure she's being much of a 'friend' to be talking to you in such a degrading manner. Maybe if she'd approached it different, and said 'this is just my opinion.' But her whole attitude is a bit ridiculous. She seems bitter.

Like Karen said, keep writing and take the routes you seem to like best. And where I'm at, Cobblestone, they're taking a whole bunch of new writers. I didn't win AQ either or get the second call. Life goes on. We didn't fit in their nitch.

Keep writing girl!


Blogger Silma said ... (3:39 PM) : 

Doc-T - I never used the word "fed up" in my original post in RD. However, even when I expressed my concern in a nice way, it might have taken the wrong way.

My conclusion of this chat is that I shouldn't try to be less determine in doing things and follow old traditional ways. But honestly, I wouldn't do it. I've never been good at following any traditional paths. *lol* Not even in my job in teaching. I believe in getting the job done, and do what it takes to get it done. I like to be creative. I like to do what I feel is right. Yes, I guess that might ruffle a few feathers. Can I help it? I'm afraid not. *shrugs*


Blogger Silma said ... (4:02 PM) : 

Shelli - I doubt that things are the way she said, so I don't worry about it. I have my goals, and I'm going for it. *g*


Blogger Cora Zane said ... (6:45 PM) : 

WOW. Silma, I just wanted to say these people who run the e-pubbing companies do not have the time to single someone out for dislike for personal pubbing preferences.

Another thing... about putting up your own ebooks. There are some very popular e-pubbed writers that do their own ebooks. Some as sale pieces direct from their websites as exclusives, some are as reading freebies. Based on that, I'd say it definitely wouldn't hurt if you wanted self-publish some of your stuff. One can download free ebook compilers all day long.


Blogger Loribelle Hunt said ... (9:41 PM) : 

Wow, Silma, that's a little weird! I remember reading that conversation on RD and it was fine. I'd just shrug this off.


Blogger Angela's Designs said ... (1:56 AM) : 

Three years ago... I admit that I gossiped once! Just once, of course. And it bit me in the butt! Oh did it ever sting too. I had to admit to someone I never intended to hurt that I'd told our coworker I thought she was incompetent. She’d broken some regulation because she hadn’t followed a manual. I apologized, and said I didn't mean to imply she wouldn't learn but it was very apparent she hadn’t read the manual yet. Not that she ever truly appreciated my honesty! But she did read the manual after that.

I was reminded never to say anything in privacy I'm not willing to say publicly, and I was reminded that when I have a bad day I should probably go for a walk around the block rather than gossip to unwind. Perhaps this woman you’re talking about will read this and be reminded if she doesn’t find positive things to talk about with people, she’ll make her own existence miserable too. My advice to her would be to get a membership at the local gym and take her frustrations out on the weights.


Blogger Silma said ... (8:48 AM) : 

Cora - I already possess the software to create ebooks in .lit, .pdf, and .html formats, which are the most popular ones and can be read in either computers or PDA. *g* I'm using these software to produce ebooks as a cheaper alternative to publishing books for my fellow colleagues. Students aren't happy about paying $50 books for a printed book when they can pay $8 for the e-version.

I know that many ebook writers and graphic designers are creating their own epublishing companies because it's easy to create books. But I didn't really mean it when I told her that. It was just a joke. *shrugs* You know, trying to lighten up the situation.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:00 AM) : 

Vivienne - At that point I didn't know who the "they" she was referring to. I thought for a while it was people at RD 'coz it was the only place where I'm most active. I'm several other romance writing groups, but I barely post at all. However, I quickly dismissed people at RD. Like you said, my comment was expressed in general terms. And both Laura Bacchi and Trace took the time to answer very candidly.

Maybe I've pissed off people with other comments I've made, not necessarily the one about the epublishing contests. I don't know. *shrugs* I may not have the same goals than other romance writers (getting agents, sign up with a NY publishing company, etc.), but that doesn't mean I'm not serious about writing, you know. I just have my own set of goals that will work fine for the pace of writing I'm used to.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:02 AM) : 

Loribelle - Yep, totally weird. I didn't know whether she was expressing her opinion or the feelings of a much larger group. So I'm going to stay low for a while.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:14 AM) : 

Annalee - I admit that I'm too straight forward and say things the only way I know how - plain and simple. I don't like to be misunderstood, and I don't like to repeat myself. My students, co-workers, and employees have learned that.

Another thing, I don't talk behind anyone's back. If I have something to say, I say it in front of them. Goddess knows I've shocked the Chancellor several times because of it. *lol* Also I've irritated the director of dept. more than once. *shrugs*

Okay, so I don't do niceties but I don't say things to hurt people either. I believe in keeping my opinions to myself. That's why when someone asks me my opinion about something, I always ask back, "do you really want to know my opinion?" I don't hold back.

Maybe that's what has ticked off some people. I don't know. I really don't know. But that doesn't going to stop me from writing. Or having my work published. Hmm... Good thing nobody knows my pen names, right? *chuckles*


Blogger Shawn said ... (8:03 AM) : 

Ooooooooooooooooookay! The way she was talking it seemed like you stepped on the toes of the local "family".

Silma, just keep doing what you do. You know your divas always got your back.


Blogger Silma said ... (12:41 PM) : 

Shawn - I stepped on the toes of the local "family"? Uh? You mean there's a "romance writing mafia"? I hope they don't decide to take it to the matress. *lol*


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