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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

WADD (Writers Attention Deficit Disorder)

I've come to the conclusion that I suffer from WADD (Writers Attention Deficit Disorder), a very serious disease that affects some writers. Some of the symptoms are:

1) Starting too many projects at the same time.

2) Inability to stick to one story and finish it.

3) Procrastination. (There's always tomorrow!)

4) Write scenes whenever they pop in your mind, without specific order. (After all, you are only doing what the voices in your head tell you to do.)

5) Don't feel bluesy about finishing a story.

6) Get easily excited about starting a new story, and forgets quickly the old one.

7) Sit before the computer for hours unable to write getting easily distracted. (Spending too much time surfing the web and answering emails are cited as the most common form of distraction).

8) Get bored reading those "how to write a novel" books on writing and can't put into practice tips or follow the practice exercises.

If you have three or more of these symptoms, you might be suffering from WADD too. So far there isn't a cure. However, it has been found that eating M&M's or some creamy ice cream can help you get through the sense of guilt this illness causes.

Comments on "WADD (Writers Attention Deficit Disorder)"


Blogger Kristen Painter said ... (12:43 PM) : 

Funny stuff. Although I suffer from many of these symptoms, I find a healthy application of BICFOK helps.

What is BICFOK, you ask? Butt In Chair, Fingers On Keyboard. Try it. It works.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:16 PM) : 

I also suffer, and for what it's worth, the BICFOK method doesn't always work, I am easily sidetracked by anything out the window, or email ...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:40 PM) : 

Ooh, is that what's wrong with me? I thought it might have been an allergy...


Blogger Katrina Glover said ... (12:13 AM) : 

I think its in the water, Silma. It's been sighted here in CA too.


Blogger Lynn said ... (12:40 AM) : 

At least now I know what my problem is. WADD. I think it's like the killer bees...rapidly spreading around the globe. Maybe we should start a support group.


Blogger Larissa Ione said ... (12:00 PM) : 

When you find the cure, tell me, because I have ALL those symptoms. Must be contagious. Argh! I share your misery!


Blogger Crystal* said ... (2:51 PM) : 

Pass the peanut M & M's.



Blogger Eva Gale said ... (4:51 PM) : 

BICFOK. Hee. That's a good cure for me too.

What a great post Sil. funny.


Blogger Jana Armstrong said ... (10:00 PM) : 

Can we have a support group for this because I'm a chronic WADD sufferer.

I also suffer from procrastination-itis. And endless-blog-reading.

The Jody Wallace 100 words....100 days article can be found on her website. It didn't mention editing but JW wasn't the person who originally thought up the idea.


Blogger Jill Monroe said ... (7:48 AM) : 

Oh No! I suffer from half of these - 3, 4, 6, 7!!!

One thing I've found is to think about doing laundry, usually that gets at least a few words on the page!

Am going to get some M&M's!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:03 PM) : 

LOL. The cure is the bichok thing!!!


Blogger Night Diva Maria said ... (1:48 PM) : 

Wonderful!! Now I can fully explain to my husband why I rarely finish telling him a complete sentence before moving on to the next thought that's about 10
links after the one he heard... He'll be so pleased! Well at least relieved to know what's wrong with me. (btw-if you find a cure ...don't tell him. shhhhhh)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:59 AM) : 

I too have found the BICHOK/BICFOK treatment helpful with my WADD symptoms }:) Although I like the m&m's/ice cream method of treatment too hehehehe }:)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:30 PM) : 

Oh, no! I've got it. LOL.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:22 PM) : 

I always suffer from procrastination. There, I admit it! :-p

And #6 and 7, too.

Yep, I'm definitely suffering from WADD.


Blogger Stephanie Tyler said ... (11:57 PM) : 

*raises hand* I'm a WADD sufferer.

#4 is my particular favorite...


Blogger Silma said ... (7:46 AM) : 

Oh my! I didn't think this disease had spread so fast and so widely. *lol* We'll need to form a support group, with lots of M&M's and ice cream to sooth our guilt-trips.

Kristen - I've tried BICFOK before, but I ended up getting distracted by other things (internet, mainly). *g*


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