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Monday, May 30, 2005

Phaze contest entry update

After posting about my Sandra Bullock attack, I received some emails suggesting me to add a few sizzling scenes to the story. Hoping to be able to save the story at this point, I spent yesterday afternoon trying to do so. But as I read the story, I couldn't find that "opening" where I could stick a scene or two, and still keep the storyline moving forward. I wrote one scene but it looks forced. Ugh!

And now with the deadline to get the mortgage for my new home close, I can't spend more time today and tomorrow on the story. Besides, the story won't be critiqued on time. I sent Briana chapters 2 and 3, but I've not heard from her yet. Gosh, maybe they're that bad that she can't find the words to tell me how much they suck. *lol* So I won't be sending it to the Phaze contest.

Comments on "Phaze contest entry update"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:37 PM) : 

I'm sure that's not it, Silma! But I understand the paranoia. It's a writer's constant friend!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:42 PM) : 

LOL, don't you hate it when you go back and think "that's not how it really goes!" Love the phrase Sandra Bullock attack *g


Blogger Lynn said ... (11:22 PM) : 

Silma--I totally agree with Sasha's comment on your previous post. Go with it. Don't try to force your characters. And if this pair isn't willing to get hot and erotic, fire them and find a couple that will!

Being guilty lately of taking a while on critiques, I'm willing to bet your assumption about Briana isn't right. But I'm right there with ya in insecurity hell, girlfriend!


Blogger Jana Armstrong said ... (12:16 PM) : 

Thank you for that posting a comment on Kristen Painter's blog about WADD!

That's exactly what I have!!!

The internet is the devil!!


Blogger Eva Gale said ... (7:09 PM) : 

No it doesn't suck at all! I just took the weekend off with the family. I'll be doing it, I promise!


Blogger Silma said ... (8:50 PM) : 

Suzanne, Ms. Paranoid and I aren't in a buddy-buddy like relationship yet. We're in the getting-to-know-each- other face yet. *lol*

Teresa - The new changes are going well, if a bit slow. *g*

Kacey - Yep, I hate it when characters don't do what I tell 'em to do. Behaving like divas! Sheesh!

Lynn - I love this pair too much, I can't do the Donald Trump to these two. And I'm blaming Brianna for not having critiqued my chapters. She has a family to attend to first and foremost. *g*

Brianna - Hope you had a great weekend! *vbg*


Blogger Silma said ... (8:51 PM) : 

Jana - You're going to love tomorrow's post about WADD. *winks*


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