Not only Eminem causes controversy
Who says that rap artists are the only ones who can create mega-controversies? HA! Trust me, their little scuffs were nothing compared to the pandemonium RWA created with the release of their earth-shattering news about the "graphical standards" 7 days ago. I first read about it from Nonny's post at Romance Divas. Then I went by Jordan Summer's blog, where I got the low down of it. You see, this whole mess started when RWA posted the following general (and extremely vague) statement: 'With respect to all RWA programs and services, the following shall not be depicted or represented: exposed male and female genitalia, exposed female nipples, cunnilingus and fellatio, hands or mouth covering naked female breasts, naked or g-string-clad buttocks, and bestiality. The following words: c*ck, c*cksucker, c*nt, f*ck, motherf*cker, sh*t, and t*t, will not be displayed.'Of course, you can imagine what happened once the news spread (and boy, did it spread wider than a hooker's legs!). (Uh, can I say "h*ker" here?) The response from the erotic romance writers came in swift. They were pissed, and they let everyone know it! The argument over RWA's new censorship ideas was heatly discussed everyhwere - blogs, Yahoogroups, and forums. But was RWA after censorship? According to most erotica and erotic romance writers, yes. You see, here's the deal. For example, let's say I'm an erotic romance writer and my website or blog shows pics from my books' covers where there are half-naked men, RWA won't link to me. ![]() ![]() (Oops! Did I just show two hot men with the most delicious looking butts? Sorry.) Then RWA claimed to be setting "graphical standards" just like it's done in other mediums. You know, so they're not accused of pornography by the post office. Anyway, the controversy has escalated in the last fews days to a feverish pitch. Upset erotica and erotic romance writers, decided to form their own organization, called Erotic Romance Writers Guild. Personally I don't know what to think of all of this. Too many things have been said on both sides. I can see the point of erotic romance writers. However, I like RWA because through their online chapters I've had the opportunity to participate in great workshops. Oh hell (oops, I mean h*ll), I'm going to sit this one down and see what happens next. |
Comments on "Not only Eminem causes controversy"
Now that the GS storm has died back, I have to say LOVE THOSE BUTTS!
WOO HOO! I can comment again!
Oh I know, Lynn! *g* I missed everyone's comments.