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4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I found THE pic!

Yes! Yes! Yes! I found the perfect photo for the cover of TBS, my lastest WIP. The funny thing is that I wasn't searching for one. Gosh, I wasn't even planning that far ahead yet (like I usually do). All I was searching for was an old pic I had posted in Romance Divas to tweak it as part of a joke. So I was surfing the web when - BAMM! - there it was. Right in front of me.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I'm so happy... *does the Ren & Stimpy happy joy dance* (Okay, so he has dark hair instead of blonde. I can fix that in the story. *winks*)

Comments on "I found THE pic!"


Blogger Lynn said ... (11:34 PM) : 

*happy-happy-joy-joy dancing with you*

I'll bet that's a great feeling!


Blogger Michele said ... (6:51 AM) : 

Oh Wow! You remember Ren and Stimpy??!!!! Like, Powdered Toast Man and all that/? Cool.
I just introduced R & S to my kids. That kind of humor never goes out of style with the young set. Or even the "young at heart"
Happy -Happy Joy Joy *bump-bump* to you too!!!!
Can't forget the important dance step that goes with the song *grin*


Blogger Silma said ... (2:00 PM) : 

Michele, of course I remember them! Big fan here! I still have the Ren & Stimpy Cadet's video game for Nintendo Gameboy, you know, the old hunky one with green screen. *wg* I got me through some courses at the MA level. hahaha!


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