Back to our regular programming
Well, since the "graphic standards" are temporarily suspended, I took down the Mickey Mouse template (cute but didn't allow my cool visitors to post), and now I'm back using this dull template again. (Yes, you all can post again! WOOOHOOO!!!!) For the time being anyway. I'm hunting for a new template. Something that says "this is me." So far I've found several nifty ones, but none that really calls my attention. I've been thinking about creating my own one, but I need time to figure out how to insert the images, etc. And time is something I don't much of lately... On other news, I managed to do some more writing this week. Although I forgot to keep track, I'd say I added about 250 words to TBS. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm rather proud of it considering that did it while working. *lol* Right now I'm concentrating on how to weave the new ideas into the original plot. And you know what that means - plotting! Can you believe that I sat down with paper and pen and did an outline? Gosh, I'm so proud of myself. *g* BTW, recently Elaine suggested me to submit TBS to the Siren Publications contest, since they're accepting all kind of romance stories. For a moment I thought it'd be a good idea, and I could send the original piece instead of the "erotic" version I'm so poorly trying to create. So I checked out the contest website and found out the deadline is August 1, 2005. The winners will be announced on October 3, 2005. Since TBS is set during summer, I don't think the story is suited for this particular contest. Speaking of writing, I pulled out the story I wrote for the NaNo challenge, hoping to start the editing process. So I went over the few critiques it got, and although those who got to read all 27 chapters liked the story, they never said much about the plot. Geez, I'm still think I've got two strong plots entwined into this story. And one doesn't go with the other. I'm tempted to separate them, so one story will have the tarot element and the other one the cats element. Gosh, I'm spliting hairs here! What should I do? *bangs head against desk* Ouch, that didn't work. I think I'll flip a coin instead. While I'm trying to figure that out, a fellow writer asked me if I was still planning to participate in the Liquid Silver Book zodiac contest. Gee, I had forgotten about that one. Anyway, with my record of pulling out the stories the day before the deadline, I laughed and said no. I admit that back in April I discussed two interesting plot ideas for this contest with Briana. She liked the one with the astrologer very much. She claimed the one with the alien hero sounded good, but I needed to work out more the motivation factors. I admit I sort of had the general idea, but the details for the second idea were still fuzzy in mind. Then as I was surfing the web, I came upon this image from Boris Vallejo. ![]() That's my hero and heroine righ there!!! My Capricorn man and my Earthling woman. *does the Ren & Stimpy happy-joy dance* I printed it out and taped it where I can see it while I type. *g* I hope it inspires me to write the story (even if I don't submit it to LSB contest). |
Comments on "Back to our regular programming"
You're back! Yay!
When I was looking for templates, I stumbled across Some of those are pretty cool, still leave room for tweaking and personalization.
Watch out tho. I think a few might have virus's in them.
FWIW. :)
GL with those submissions! If you put your mind to it, you can do it!
Thanks for the link, Kat! Hmm... Yeah, I figure some of them are bound to have viruses. Some people don't seem to have a damn thing to do w/their lives. Sheesh!
OMG! I laughed so hard at the Mickey Mouse template, I believed I actually snorted.
And those man buns? Purrrrrrrrrr
Sounds like you're busy, and that's great! Good luck with all the submissions and whatnot. You'll find a home for your babies.
LOL Silma! You crack me up. I love the pic's btw. And good luck with the submissions.
Way to go on the outline, Silma :)
Isn't it frustrating trying to find the perfect template? I like mine, but it's still not *perfect*. Good luck in finding one.
Yay on your progress! And yeah, it may not sound like much, but sometimes getting those few words is like drawing blood from a stone. WOO HOO on that outline, though.
Chryscat, I wanted to use the template with the one-eyed green monster from "Monsters Inc." but I figured it wouldn't pass the censorship 'coz it doesn't wear clothes. At least MIckey wear pants. *g*
Teresa - Oh I know...! The pics purr-delicious. *g*
Lynn - If you like the format of your template now, at least all you've got to do is tweak the images and color.
Bonnie - Thanks! I've amazed myself. *lol*
I love that picture!!
Sylvia - Boris Vallejo is a wonderful artists and illustrator, isn't he? What a lot of people don't know is that he illustrated romance covers too. *g*