Sherryl's workshop: Day 1
Here I've been thinking about what to do for the first assignment. Last night I could barely sleep. I wanted to create new characters for this workshop instead of using the ones I had already created for The Male Muse and the Romance Writer. I was thinking of creating the two characters for the "game" Rae and I have. But nothing came to my mind. At this moment. I'm at work and there are too many things going on, so I don't have time to concentrate. So I opened some old files and came up with Sara's story, a minor character in Katherine's story. I barely had a bare-bone outline of the story. Now it's a good time to brush off the dust of this story and work on it. *grins* Hero: André Shemar Heroine: Sara Burns |
Comments on "Sherryl's workshop: Day 1"
I can't wait to read what you put up for the workshop! Have you finished The Male Muse and the Romance Writer? I really wanted to read more of that story.
Well, it's finished, but since chapter 3 bombed, I'll have to rewrite the whole thing. Okay, not the whole thing, but from chapter 3 and on. I might even expand the story to go beyond 12,000 words.
As for putting up stuff in the new workshop, I'm hoping I can work something interesting for Andre and Sara. I'm working hard on his description. I hope it sounds interesting to others - and Sherryl.
The bombing of chapter three still freaks me made sense to me. This may seem like an odd question, but the crit groups you put it out to, were there romantica/erotica readers or writers on those groups? (I'm not familiar with the people on the FTH group yet) I only ask because I can't help but wonder if it might not have been a situation where the critters just didn't "get" it, you know?
I should add the the chapter made sense to me. Not the bombing. *g*
One of the things I've learnt about critique groups is that you can't post everything you write in them. Each group has a certain dynamics, and not everyone in the critique group is capable of critiquing certain types of stories. Two of the 3 I'm in aren't good for erotica or erotic romance.