It's almost that time of the month...
...and I'm not referring to the womanly days. I'm talking about the NaNo Challenge. I can't believe November is already here. And people everywhere are buzzing about NaNo again. Has it been already a year since I last participated in this? Wow... *blinks blinks* I've been so busy with other things that I'd not thought about NaNo. Hmm... Honestly, I don't know if I'm going to join the madness this year. Everybody is being so enthusiastic about it that sometimes I feel almost swept away with their energy. I said "almost." I don't want to join just because everybody else is doing it. Last year I got caught up in the NaNo fever, and personally, it became a struggle to finish it. Sorry, but I'm not one of those who gets all fired up about something just to quit when they tough gets going. If I join, I'll have to finish it. So I'm considering it... |
Comments on "It's almost that time of the month..."
What's that sound? Oh yeah, it's the sound of NaNo rushing by without me. :(
I signed up - but so far haven't found the time to do anything about it. Darn Nano seems to happen at the worst times for me. Hopefully it's going better for you!!! :)
Jordan - I think you're doing your own personal NaNo-kind-of challenge with all the writing you've been doing lately.
Ann - Sorry to hear your NaNo isn't going well. Yeah, November is like the worst month to do this challenge. So many thing happening at once.
I'm not doing the NaNo thing. I know I'd never manage an entire book in a month, so why set myself up for failure? :)
I might try it next year just to see what it's all about and experience it etc.
No time this year!
Happy Christmas holidays, Silma.