Hard decision
Two days ago I posted about whether renewing my RWA membership or not, openly expressing some of my fears and concerns. Thanks to all the people who read the post and commented on it. Although I couldn't answer each one of your comments (something that I apologize for), I did read them. Some of you told me to follow my heart. Well, my heart wanted to renew it for one more year. My mind agreed up to a point because it was thinking about the RWR magazine and its wonderful articles. However, after spending long hours with my saving account and bills before me, throwing numbers and seeing where it'd get me, my financial state showed that spending money on the membership renewal would set me back, and I'd not be able to catch up for several months. And with the upcoming increase in the water bill, plus the new sales tax law (something we had never paid before), it's possible that might create a hole in my pocket would be bigger. The way things are going, I don't even know if I'll have a job several months from now. Remember what my horoscope said for this month? "Soon Mars will move from your House of Your Crazy Self to your House of Spending Too Much." I think Mars managed to stay in both houses at the same time, because it's been crazy, and I've been spending a lot. "When the big bonus check shows up, don't blow it on a new computer as your old one is really fine." I'm still waiting for that one though and today is the last day. *sighs* So, today is the last day for me to renew my RWA membership. Sadly, I won't since it has become a luxury I can no longer afford. Maybe in a few years from now... |
Comments on "Hard decision"
You have to do what you have to do. And don't worry, everyone will keep you posted on the RWA happenings. :)
Just cos you're not a member doesn't mean you're not a serious writer. You ARE. Your dedication shines through in your posts - and I've been reading your posts for only a few weeks! So don't sweat it.
For what it's worth, I dropped my membership years ago and haven't missed it once. Because like Karen says, friends will keep you posted on any important RWA info. :)
Good for you Silma! It sounds like you made a rational decision. And RWA will be there if you decide to come back.
Silma, since taking my decision to write seriously about two years ago, I've managed to final in a couple of national contests and in the past year had four e-books pubbed and one in print.
I've never even considered RWA.
This is only to say that you CAN make it without it.
And there are lots of blogs, organizations, and writers out there willing to help along the way.
I agonized over the same decision this year, too. I finally did renew my membership, but reluctantly. I think it's overpriced for what I've gotten from it. This year the scales tipped in RWA's favor, but next year might be different.
Thank you all for your words of support and encouragement and prayers. Reading your posts have made feel much better about not renewing my RWA membership. It was a hard decision for someone like me, who feels so disconnected from the romance writing community as I live in PR. You're all right. Being a serious writer starts with me, from within. So thanks for making me realize that.