13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

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S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Muses runes my brain

You know what I get when I indulge in too many oreo cookies? Hyper Muses from Hell! Oh yeah, at first, they were pretty subtle. Just sending me little messages, like check out websites on this or that topic, or pick this or that book on this topic when I went to Borders this Sunday. I still didn't feel like writing. Then I re-read this great mystery story, Charmed to Death, by Shirley Damsgaard, in which the heroine is learning to use the runes. Add to that a few of my fellow writers are writing stories about runes. Next thing I know... BAM!!!... I'm hearing these voices, seeing these scenes before me, and dreaming this things.

I can't give you too many details. My writer's paranoia forbids me to do so. *lol* But all I can tell you is that it involves a handsome detective (Matt), a sassy heroine (Ann), and the runes. Oh, a few other strange things I can't talk about yet. So far I've written 2,100 words. It's a murder mystery with lots of great sex scenes and romance. So it won't be too mysterious nor too romantic. OMG, it's gonna be so...unpublishable. I LOVE IT! *evil smile*

Comments on "Muses runes my brain"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:49 PM) : 

Woo Hoo, Silma!!!


Blogger Silma said ... (8:49 AM) : 

Bonnie - This is such a firsty. I've never written crime scenes before, so I have no idea what I'm doing. Every time I write about someone or something and don't know what it's suppossed to do or be, I write "whatchamacallit."


Blogger Dana Pollard said ... (11:48 AM) : 

Usually the ones you love the most will portray your gift in writing the best.

Way to go on the word count!

And Silma... my hubby is a cop. If you need any info on crime scenes. Email me. :)


Blogger Silma said ... (12:35 PM) : 

Dana - Oh! I love you! I mean, thank you so much for offering to help me with the crime scenes. *wg* You bet I'm taking up on your offer. I don't have the faintest idea what cops do or what a detective does, and if you need a detective... can you tell I'm clueless about this? *lol* The worst part is that I can't seem to stop writing. The muses are high on oreos that all I'm afraid to sit to do research 'coz they might cool off.


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (9:15 PM) : 

Good for you!!!


Blogger Shelli Stevens said ... (3:17 AM) : 

You know, I'm not really incorporating the Runes into my story, just the themes. I'm bad, very bad.

Yay for your muse, it's a good thing!


Blogger Zinnia said ... (4:25 PM) : 

I tried some peanut butter Oreos the other day... BLECH!


Blogger Loribelle Hunt said ... (1:11 AM) : 

Sounds awesome! Like Shelli, I didn't really use the Rune in my story either, but the meaning/theme of it. What a blast to write tho! Have fun!


Blogger Silma said ... (1:14 PM) : 

Shelli & Lori - Yeah, I heard those of you who are writing the runes-themed stories for CP don't have to incorporate them. I can't wait to read those stories. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (1:16 PM) : 

Zinnia - Peanut butter oreos! Yuck! I've not tried them or intend to. You were braver than me in that area. *lol* I tried the mint oreos once. Pretty good. My fave oreos only comes at Christmas, the white fudge covered ones. Oh... it gives a whole new meaning to oral pleasure. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (1:17 PM) : 

Amanda and Jordan - Yeah, it's good to write a little again. *g* Let's see how long this last. So far I'm riding the wave.


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