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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A little (tarot) reading today

Tonight I took out my favorite tarot deck from the box in which I'd put it to move it to the new house and did a little reading. Yeah, I do that when something troubles me. I believe that all the answers are inside oneself, but sometimes they're locked in the subconscious, which needs the visual part to communicate.

This is what I got:

King of Cups
in the Past position.

You are fortunate in your achievements. You have accomplished much, built a good business or career for yourself. Perhaps you have a stable, loving family life. These things give you much satisfaction, but there is a longing in your heart. It is as if in gaining power and accomplishments, you have lost touch with your creative side. Seek an artistic or creative outlet, nurture your emotions.

Ace of Swords
in the Present position.

You have the gift of thought. Use it rightly, to see the world clearly, to communicate well, and create a happy, healthy reality.

in the Future position.

The message of Judgement is clear. You are being called to do something. You might not want to hear it and are actively drowning it out with noise of your daily life. You might be afraid of the call and the changes it will bring. Listen to it and face it with courage and action. It promises a more fulfilling life.

I get the feeling that they're trying to tell me something, but I'm too thick-headed to get it.

Comments on "A little (tarot) reading today"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:57 PM) : 

I know I've said it before but those tarot cards are beautiful :)


Blogger Silma said ... (10:07 PM) : 

Bonnie - I bought this deck, The Gilded Tarot, about 1 1/2 yrs. ago. You said it, it's beautiful. It has become one of my favorites now. *g*


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