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Monday, April 17, 2006

A little reading for today...

Last week I was off for Easter vacation. I thought I'd enjoy having 10 days free, and I even made of things I wanted to do. To make a long story short, tomorrow I'm back to work (yuck!), and I didn't enjoy my vacations. Things went totally wacked. So after running into Miguel Angel at Kmart today, I felt compelled to read the cards tonight and this is what I got.

Five of Wands
in the Past position.

You are in a competitive situation. See it for what it is: an opportunity to grow and to help others grow. Although competing with others, you are really in competition with your self. Do your best, for your own good and for the good of others.

Ten of Pentacles
in the Present position.

You have reached the end of a cycle. You’ve learned all you care to learn, you’ve invested all you want, you’re ready to move on to something new. Just as you received a gift to start off, why not share your abundance with someone else?

Seven of Pentacles
in the Future position.

You have sown seeds of some sort. They are bearing fruit and it is time for the harvest. Take time to compare the investment with the results. If it is not what you’d hoped, determine what you can do differently next time.

After seeing this, I realized there was something I might be overlooking. So I did a one Rune reading.

Uruz is the name of the Auroch, an extinct prehistoric ox. This animal was strong and brave, and was the focus of rites of manhood in older days. Reversed, this rune symbolizes either the lack of challenge, or the lack of preparation for a challenge. This rune suggests that you must reach deep within in order to gain the power you will need, whether to get out of your current rut, or to face what appears to be a hopeless situation.

O-okay... time to meditate on this.

Comments on "A little reading for today..."


Blogger Shelli Stevens said ... (2:41 AM) : 

OMG I'm so confused! Hee hee. But it's very fascinating too!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:39 PM) : 

Is it just me, or do they all seem to contradict each other?


Blogger Silma said ... (2:46 PM) : 

Shelli - I usually do a rune reading first. Then I ask the tarot to go into more details. This time I did the other way around. Why? I don't know. I just felt like it. Weird, uh? So the one-rune reading is suppossed to explain the future card. And it's giving me a lot to think about.


Blogger Silma said ... (2:50 PM) : 

Tori - Not exactly. *g* The rune is expanding on the future card. So, it's giving me further insight into that last part "If it is not what you’d hoped, determine what you can do differently next time."


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