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Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy Spring Equinox!

Happy Alban Eiler (Ostara)! Today is the spring equinox. Said to be the time when the day and the night stand in perfect balance. A time of great fertility, new growth. But also a time of changes. Out with the old, in with the new. That's why there's the term spring cleaning.

I already did the physical cleaning. I spent the weekend cleaning the house with a special liquid blend. I also took a nice bath, with salts and oils.

And to start anew, I did a little 3-card reading. And once again they hit right on target. Never cease to amaze me how insightful they can be. Specially the card in the present. With all that I've been through in the last few days with editing, it seems like I've gone to battle - a battle with the story, a battle with myself. And I must admit sometimes I found myself asking pretty much the same questions the card poses. Maybe once the edits are done, and the story submitted, I might want to take stock of the experience by asking those same questions.


Be aware of not seeing clearly, of being afraid of shadows, or of being led astray by shadowy images that aren’t what they seem.


You are at the end of a battle. Are you the winner or the loser? In either case, what was lost and what was won? Was it worth it? What have you learned from the experience?


You are faced with many choices, opportunities, and dreams. Find inspiration from them where you can. Acknowledge them as distractions if they take you from the path you have chosen.

Comments on "Happy Spring Equinox!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:05 AM) : 

Happy Spring Equinox, Silma :)


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (1:10 AM) : 

It looks like the cards are in you favor. :)


Blogger Silma said ... (9:31 AM) : 

Jordan - More like looks like the card in the Present is asking me to re-evaluate how I'm feeling about my writing and submitting. Gosh, I hate to do that. But it seems like I must in order to learn a lesson.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:32 AM) : 

Vivienne - It's giving me a lot to think about. Although I don't have time to do it now. *lol* I must finish the edits today first. Once I submit the story, then I'll sit to think about this.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:33 AM) : 

Bonnie - Thanks! Hope you had a great day too! *g*


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